Hiking couple at the watchtower in Nierstein, © Dominik Ketz© Dominik Ketz

Culture on the hiking trail

Sights on the RhineTerrassenWeg

The Kaiserdome in Worms and Mainz, the Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim or the Rote Hang in Nierstein are known far beyond Rheinhessen and are an absolute highlight of every hike. But the RheinTerrassenWeg lives especially from the gems and moments in the wine villages. People like to talk about their regional attractions. Let yourself drift and enjoy the culture and the stories on the RheinTerrassenWeg.

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Cathedral of St. Peter

The double choir, romanic pillar basilica with transept was set up in 1125/1130 and 1181 on the fundament of the already built cathedral. The ' argument of the queens' of the 'Nibelungenlied' took place at the so- called imperial portal on the north side. The gothic chapel of st. nicholas is situated next to the south portal. Inside of the cathedral are romanic and late gothic stoneworks. The east choir was furnished baroque after the city destruction in 1689. The high altar is from Balthasar Neumann. In 1048 the cathedral experienced a pope…

Jüdischer Friedhof


Jüdischer Friedhof "Heiliger Sand" Worms

The oldest Jewish cemetery in Europe has around 2,000 graves, the oldest gravestone dates from around 1058/1059 and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage SchUM Sites Speyer, Worms, Mainz - Jewish Heritage for the World. From the part on the former city rampart you have an impressive view of the cathedral, the so-called "Martin Buber View". The old Jewish cemetery "Heiliger Sand" is still of great importance to Jews worldwide. Numerous influential Jewish scholars and rabbis were buried here. The oldest gravestones date back to 1058/59 and thus…

Worms Lutherdenkmal-c-Uwe-feuerbach_uwe4809 © Uwe Feuerbach


Reformationsdenkmal „Lutherdenkmal“

One of the largest Reformation monument complexes in the world was designed by the Dresden artist Ernst Rietschel, executed by his students Adolf von Donndorf, Gustav Kietz and Johannes Schilling and inaugurated on June 25, 1868. In the middle, Luther stands on a high pedestal and holds a fist on the Bible, alluding to the Worms Reichstag. Seated at his feet are Petrus Waldus (France), John Wyclif (England), Jan Hus (Bohemia / Czech Republic) and Girolamo Savonarola (Italy), four European reformers who worked before Luther. Wall battlements,…




The Protestant Luther Church to the west of the city centre was built between 1910 and 1912 according to plans by Prof. Friedrich Pützer. It is easy to recognise the strong echoes of Darmstadt Art Nouveau with sparse ornamentation on the outside. The octagonal Luther rose appears several times as a consistent feature of the church. The single-nave hall building has a pulpit altar.

Schloss Herrnsheim parkseits


Schloss Herrnsheim

  Located in the eponymous district called Herrnsheimer Castle stands on the remains of a 1460 created castle. From 1711 a baroque castle was built there, which was heavily damaged in 1792. During the reconstruction, the present castle was built in the Empiric style of the Prince of Dalberg with rare franz. Paper wallpapers and library tower. Around the castle was an English garden with meadow pieces, woodland, pond and island as well as an orangery. Furthermore, the "Green Salon" is used as a wedding room. The castle can only be…

Bergkirche Osthofen


Bergkirche Osthofen

The listed mountain church stands on the Goldberg above Osthofen. The church has a varied history and was constantly expanded and rebuilt. At the end of the first millennium, a castle complex, which was used by the governors for Osthofen, developed from the chapel and a neighboring manor. In 1241, after a conflict between the city of Worms and the Worms bishop Landolf von Hoheneck, and the citizens of Osthofen were stopped at the request of the Worms, this fortification was preserved. During the Thirty Years' War, the church burnt down…

Leckzapfen Osthofen1


Miniaturburg Leckzapfen

The miniature castle Leckzapfen was built in 1891 by the brother of the Rheinhessen composer Wendelin Weissheimer, the estate and mill owner Gustav Friedrich Weißheimer (1831-1904), who was based in Osthofen, on his vineyard of the same name. The building, which was extensively restored a few years ago on the initiative of the Kulturnetzwerk Osthofen eV, bears striking resemblance to the romantic fairy-tale castle Lichtenstein near the Swabian Alb, whose historicizing reconstruction is based on the descriptions of the well-known novel…

Außenansicht ehemaliges KZ Osthofen


National-Socialist Documentation Centre

Permanent exhibition entitled 'Rhineland-Palatinate: the Nazi period in our region.' The exhibition focuses on two former concentration camps at Osthofen (near Worms) and Hinzert (near Trier). The centre also provides information about 'Persecution and Resistance' in Rhineland-Palatinate. Handheld computers are available. These provide additional audio information to supplement the images and texts on display.