Hiking couple at the watchtower in Nierstein, © Dominik Ketz© Dominik Ketz

Culture on the hiking trail

Sights on the RhineTerrassenWeg

The Kaiserdome in Worms and Mainz, the Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim or the Rote Hang in Nierstein are known far beyond Rheinhessen and are an absolute highlight of every hike. But the RheinTerrassenWeg lives especially from the gems and moments in the wine villages. People like to talk about their regional attractions. Let yourself drift and enjoy the culture and the stories on the RheinTerrassenWeg.

Ehemalige Synagoge


Ehemalige Synagoge Bechtheim

  In 1855, the foundation stone was laid for the construction of the synagogue, which the local community acquired in 1900 for use as a kindergarten. Only until 1874 did the synagogue serve as a church. Thereafter, the building became the property of the Protestant parish, which originally wanted to demolish it to build a parish hall here. However, due to the objection of the state preservation of monuments, it did not happen. Even today, the synagogue is used as a Protestant parish hall.  



Lambertus- und Aegidiusbrunnen

To the north and south of the basilica, with connection to the underground pilgrimage of the Stollenkrypta, are the Lambertusbrunnen and the Aegidiusbrunnen (Gedd'schesbach). The construction time of these historic and water-rich wash wells is unknown. In the morning book the "Göttgensbach" was already mentioned in 1688. The source of the Lambertus well could already have been a sanctuary of the Romans.

Romanische Basilika Bechtheim


Romanische Basilika St. Lambertus

The basilica consecrated to St. Lambert of Liège (635 - 700) from the 11th century was formerly owned by the Augustinian canons at Mount Aegidius in Liège. Special features of the three-aisled basilica include a choir platform and a crypt with barrel vaults, as well as wall paintings from the 14th century. During the Middle Ages, it served as a pilgrimage church. From 1684 to 1910, the basilica was used as a simultaneum church. It is one of the most significant Romanesque village churches in Rheinhessen.

Ev. Kirche


Evangelische Kirche Bechtheim

  Visible from afar is the 38 m high church tower of the Protestant church, which was inaugurated in 1910 after 17 months of construction. The organ, the ceiling painting and the colorful windows radiate a special beauty. The interior of the church is designed according to the so-called "Wiesbadener program". The church was built in 1741. It is in the church to a hall building with mansard roof and a multi-level roof ridge. The organ dates from 1753 and was built by Johann Christian Köhler.  

Historisches Rathaus  und Kirche


Historisches Rathaus und Kirche

The historic town hall and the protestant church of Mettenheim are two particularly beautiful buildings in Rheinhessen. The town hall in the centre of Mettenheim dates from the 2nd half of the 16th century and has survived all the destruction of the 30 Years War. The parish church was built between 1748-1756 by master bricklayer Blattner from Osthofen and consecrated in 1756. Under the church is the Wartenberg family crypt.

Blick vom Friedhof auf die Heidenturmkirche


St. Boniface Heidenturm Church

The Protestant church of St. Boniface is located directly on the Luther Trail between Worms and Nierstein. It is the smallest of the 4 Heidenturm churches in Rheinhessen. Hidden under old trees, it is reached through a wrought-iron gate and you enter a magical place of silence and reflection. The adjacent old cemetery, with half-sunken crosses and overgrown gravestones, is like visiting an enchanted world. An almost mystical place. The church and the cemetery are freely accessible, and a tour of the interior is possible by arrangement with…