Bike service in Rheinhessen, © © Dominik Ketz© © Dominik Ketz

Are you planning your bike tour in Rheinhessen? We've compiled all the information you need for planning your tour here, from service information on bike rentals and service stations along the way to tips for the right map and recommendations for travel guides or travel literature.

bike paths in Ingelheim, © © Dominik Ketz

Order information material

Our cycling map contains all the important information about the various cycling routes in Rheinhessen with brief descriptions, route data, elevation profiles and other helpful tips and hints. Order it now to your home!

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Cycling Nieder-Olm, © © Dominik Ketz

Maps and travel guides

On 550 bike kilometers you can experience Rheinhessen up close. To be ideally prepared, you will find the most important cycling maps and tour guides with a wealth of information and tips.

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Websites & Apps

We present you different planning tools for your bike tour in Rheinhessen.

Tour planner Rhineland-Palatinate

Tour Planner Rhineland-Palatinate helps you find bike paths in Rheinhessen and facilitates the planning of individual tours.


On Outdooractive you will find an overview of bike tours that you can call up and save on the website or in the app to plan the tour.


In our Komoot collection, we present our top cycling routes: Find the bike tour that suits you and share it with your friends. In the tour details, you'll see the most important information and highlights of the route. Save the tour, download it for GPS devices, or print a comprehensive PDF.

Bike Service Stations, © Dominik Ketz

Bike Service Stations

The "Bike Service Stations" in Rheinhessen can be found at the key junctions of the cycling routes. Here you will find all the bike service stations currently available in the region.

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Consultation at the Tourist Information

E-Bike Rental Stations

At various rental stations, tourist information centers, and bike shops, you can find e-bikes available in different models. Here's an overview.

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Charging station EEA

E-Bike Charging Stations

At publicly accessible charging stations, you can charge your e-bike for free during your bike tour. Some charging stations offer the capability to charge 3 e-bikes simultaneously. Use the time to explore the area or stop for a while.

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Charging Stations at Hosts

If you're traveling with an E-bike and would like to charge your battery during a break, look out for this logo. Our hosts display it to indicate that you can charge your bike for free with them. You can find the exact locations of these stations on our tour maps.