With a smile, he reported that he already dealt with the topic of organic viticulture during his apprenticeship. He always had to put up with the smiles of his colleagues. Today, the former spokesperson for ECOVIN Rheinhessen manages his vineyards biodynamically and is convinced that all the measures he takes to promote soil life and biodiversity benefit the vineyard ecosystem and the quality of his wines. The species-rich vegetation ensures humus formation, contributes to soil loosening and soil structure and ensures a sufficient supply of nitrogen. He only enriches the soil, once a soil samples proves thaa there is a need for it. And then only with organic fertilizer. "All other nutrients are preserved by the grapevines, which of course also breaks the monoculture of viticulture and ensures that many species of plants and beneficial organisms feel well." Through annual training, Eric and Carolin Riffel learn more about the balanced vineyard ecosystem and dealing with the peculiarities of nature, the influence of the moon and climate change.
To preserve the peculiarities and typicality of the respective terroir and vintage and to taste it in the wines is finally the freestyle of this wine-loving couple and they were able to inspire the group completely. Brilliantly worked out and differentiated: Silvaner and Riesling in the three-stage range from estate wines to area wines to single vineyard wines A pleasure par Excellence. And the Reserve wines impressed with the very individual and sensitive handwriting of Eric Riffel and showed that he understands the biodynamic economy holistically, which is quite an additional quality feature.