Nibelungen Festspiele, © Bernward Bertram© Bernward Bertram

Nibelungen-Festspiele Worms

from 27.07.2024 to 28.07.2024 - at 20:30 o'clock

The Nibelungen Festival was opened in 2002 with the vision of bringing one of the most important works of medieval epic poetry back to the attention of a wider audience and thus making the original setting of the Nibelungen saga better known: the city of Worms - once an important centre for intellectual, cultural and political activity in Europe.

Right from the start the festival has been a great success and within a few years it has become one of the most famous open-air festivals. On the steps in front of Worms' imposing imperial cathedral, where Kriemhild and Brünhild are said to have once fought out their legendary queen's quarrel, the most famous actors from theatre, film and television appear every year and show the diversity that the Nibelungen fabric has to offer. The entire German-speaking media come to Worms in the summer and report on the impressive productions. The festival reaches a large audience every year, either live on location or during the television broadcasts of ZDF or SWR on the home screen, and brings the city on the Rhine a great deal of attention.


Hldensaga. Ein Königinnendrama

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Dates for this event

  • On 27.07.2024 at 20:30 o'clock
  • On 28.07.2024 at 20:30 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Nordseite des Wormser Doms
67547 Worms


Contact details

Tourist Information Worms
Neumarkt 14
67547 Worms

Tel.: (0049) 6241 853 7306

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