The first step to online booking

Data maintenance made easy

Access to your data: WebClient 4

The trend for online booking is unstoppable. Even small and medium-sized enterprises have to deal with the topic. Our hosts have long been able to maintain their data online in our host database. They use a password-protected access, the so-called Web client. Thus, texts, photos, prices and of course availabilities can be maintained directly. The direct booking on the Internet is thus nothing in the way.

The password protected access can be set up immediately. Please contact Ingrid Weigerding, 06136/923 98-13,

A small manual can be downloaded right.

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Contact details:

Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH

Berthold Steffens

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey


Contact details:

Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey
