Ben Becker ließt Joseph Roth - „Im Exil“

Ingelheim am Rhein
on 12.10.2024 at 20:00 o'clock


"Becker internalises these texts, absorbs them, literally drinks them in to stay in the picture. ...In the end, frenetic applause for this one-man performance."
Berliner Morgenpost

"Ben Becker celebrated success with texts by Kafka or from the Bible. Now he reads Joseph Roth. The evening is an event."

A literary performance by and with Ben Becker

Readings with Ben Becker are an event. The choice of author is so personal that in each performance the actor merges with the subject of the text and its author. After Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness", Ben Becker has chosen texts by and about the exiled author Joseph Roth. With his novels "Das Spinnennetz", "Radetzkymarsch" and "Hiob", which have been made into films several times, Roth is not only one of the most important German-language storytellers of the 20th century, he is himself one of the most colourful figures of his time and a story in his own right. Born an Austrian Jew and chronically broke as a journalist, he was one of the unforgettable figures of the nightlife scene in Vienna and Berlin. After the Nazis seized power, he was one of the first authors to have his books burnt. He fled as early as 1933 and became a leading voice in exile literature; at the same time, he was and remained a drinker, always teetering on the edge of madness. It is precisely this fusion of literature and life, biography and fiction, man and myth that fascinates Ben Becker about Joseph Roth and which he brings to life on stage like no other with his voice and his way of reading.

Why Joseph Roth?

Not only the experience of artistic isolation during the pandemic, but also the threatening political climate in Europe today are reason enough for Ben Becker to focus on the brilliant writer Joseph Roth. Following his programme BEN BECKER - APOKALYPSE, in which he used Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" to explore the isolation of the individual in the face of the human abyss, Ben Becker is now devoting himself to the legendary exiled author Joseph Roth, who combines so many contradictions: holy drunkard and hopeless scrounger, Austrian Jew and bohemian figure of Berlin nightlife, burnt-out exile and one of the greatest storytellers of the 20th century. At the centre is not only the unique author, but above all the man Joseph Roth, who finds himself defencelessly at the mercy of the political catastrophes of his time.

The legend of the holy drunkard

In the first part of the evening, Ben Becker reads Joseph Roth in the original language and gives his voice to the unforgettable key story "The Legend of the Holy Drinker", an abysmal and touching story from Roth's last years in exile in Paris.

The holy drunkard

In the second half, he approaches him through the friendly account of a contemporary: Géza von Cziffra draws a true-to-life portrait of Joseph Roth in his memoir "Der heilige Trinker" (The Holy Drinker), both against the backdrop of their drunken nights together in Berlin and in the raging torrent of exile. By bringing together their lines of flight, the two parts create an astonishing, multi-layered and vivid portrait of the artist in exile, which also reflects the present day in a surprising and frightening way.

Partner of culture: Sparkasse Rhein-Nahe

If you have any questions, please contact the organiser.
Venue: kING Kultur- und Kongresshalle (large hall)
Admission: 19:00
Start: 20:00
Organiser: IkUM GmbH - Ingelheimer Kultur und Marketing GmbH
Telephone: 06132 710009-0

241012_Ben_Becker © Kerstin Groh

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Dates for this event

  • On 12.10.2024 at 20:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

kING Kultur- und Kongresshalle
Fridtjof-Nansen-Platz 5
55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel.: (0049) 6132 710 009 0


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Touristinformation Ingelheim
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55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

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