Easter shopping with vintage tasting

from 05.04.2025 to 06.04.2025 - from 12:00 to 18:00 o'clock

We cordially invite you to taste the new vintage of wine at our winery. We will provide you with tasty spring treats. Test your taste buds with an exciting wine tasting quiz in the vaulted cellar with great prizes. No registration required. More information at www.weingut-groehl.de

Ostern Weingut Gröhl
Weingut Gröhl
Logo Weingut Gröhl

More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 05.04.2025 from 12:00 to 18:00 Uhr
  • On 06.04.2025 from 12:00 to 18:00 Uhr


Venue / Meeting point

Weingut Eckehart und Johannes Gröhl
Uelversheimer Str. 4
55278 Weinolsheim

Tel.: 00496249809000
Mail: info@weigut-groehl.de


Contact details

Weingut Eckehart und Johannes Gröhl
Uelversheimer Str. 4
55278 Weinolsheim

Tel.: 00496249809000
Mail: info@weigut-groehl.de

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