Heute vor 235 Jahren: Humboldt in Ingelheim

Ingelheim am Rhein
on 12.10.2024 at 18:00 o'clock

235 years ago today: Humboldt in Ingelheim - insights into the exciting life of the natural scientist with Latin American enjoyment
Literary-culinary evening

As a student, the 20-year-old Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) visited Nieder-Ingelheim on a trip to Germany. Together with his fellow student Steven Jan van Geuns, he visited the ruins of the Imperial Palace on October 14, 1789 and then stopped at the inn at what was then the post office. Exactly 234 years after this visit, the bistro restaurant “Johann in der Alten Post” invites you to a Latin American 4-course menu. Many foods that we take for granted today come from the areas Humboldt researched: potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, chocolate, avocado, peanuts, pineapples and a few more. The evening is supplemented with literary-historical anecdotes that come from Alexander von Humboldt's authentic expedition reports.

A cooperation between the Museum bei der Kaiserpfalz and the bistro restaurant “Johann in der Alten Post”.

Reading: Dr. Nicole Nieraad-Schalke, Museum at the Imperial Palace
Venue: Bistrorant »Johann in der Alten Post«, Mainzer Straße 67, 55218 Ingelheim am Rhein, telephone 06132-7184681, info@johann-cafebistro.de
Registration by telephone until October 4th, 2024 in the Bistrorant / limited number of people

Logo Johann in der Alten Post
Humboldt-Abend Alte Post

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Dates for this event

  • On 12.10.2024 at 18:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Johann in der alten Post
Mainzer Str. 67
55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel.: +49 6132719412
Mail: info@johann-cafebistro.de


Contact details

Johann in der alten Post
Frau Nina Malchus
Mainzer Str. 67
55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel.: +49 6132719412
Mail: info@johann-cafebistro.de

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