Hofausschank „Weinst(r)and an der Düne EINS“ im Weingut Volker Barth

on 14.12.2024 from 17:00 to 22:30 o'clock

Whether on a bike tour, hiking the premium hiking trail Hiwweltour Aulheimer Tal or a motorcycle tour through the beautiful Rheinhessen, stop by our winery. At our winebar you can taste all the wines in our newly designed Sylt-style courtyard. We serve various small cold and warm dishes. We are glad to be your hosts and spoil you with our wines, seccos and the high-quality products of our partners.

Book you table at info@weinhaus-barth.de

More information and schedule www.weinhaus-barth.de

Hofausschank 2
Logo Weingut Barth

More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 14.12.2024 from 17:00 to 22:30 Uhr


Venue / Meeting point

Weingut Volker Barth
Bermersheimer Str.19
55237 Lonsheim

Tel.: (0049) 06734/961919
Mail: info@weinhaus-barth.de


Contact details

Weingut Volker Barth
Herrn Volker Barth
Bermersheimer Str.19
55237 Lonsheim

Tel.: (0049) 06734/961919
Mail: info@weinhaus-barth.de