Jan Martensen: "Familien-Zauberworkshop-Show"

Ober Flörsheim
on 31.08.2024

FINALLY! You have always wished that there would be a program for young magicians in the Magic Vault - now the time has come. For the first time, we are presenting a magic workshop for the whole family (from 6 years), in which the magician simply unpacks and explains tricks. Making things disappear, predicting cards or transferring thoughts - Jan Martensen from Kiel has been performing magic at private parties of all kinds for decades. His funny tricks with decks of cards, napkins and other everyday objects always get the party going and are the highlight of every party. Magician Jan shows you his best tricks in this 1-hour interactive show and teaches you the basics of magic with lots of humor. You don't need to bring anything. All children (and all accompanying adults) will receive the necessary props to take home with them on site, they are included in the admission price! Tickets can be booked at www.zaubergewölbe.de, by calling the reservix ticket hotline on 0761/88849999, or at any advance booking office.

Jan Martensen

More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 31.08.2024 at 14:00 o'clock
  • On 31.08.2024 at 16:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Alzeyer Str.26
55234 Ober Flörsheim

Tel.: +49(0) 6735 9415-51
Mail: info@kelly-entertainment.de


Contact details

Kelly Entertainment
Herrn Fabian Kelly
Alzeyer Str. 26
55234 Ober-Flörsheim

Tel.: (0049) 6735 941551
Mail: info@kelly-entertainment.de

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