Kultur Helden - Kinder-Mitmach-Konzert

on 06.04.2025 at 15:30 o'clock

Kultur Helden kick off the new season with Alex Funk Band On Sunday, April 6, 2025, the Kultur Helden will kick off the new event season at 3:30 pm with the Alex Funk Band. the new event season. The Bingen music teacher Alex Funk and his band colleagues invite all children and their families to an unforgettable hands-on concert in the GenussGarten in Bingen-Kempten. The little cultural heroes are invited to sing along, dance dance and become part of the show. The music of the Alex Funk Band combines educational with fun and entertainment and invites all children to playfully discover the world of sound. discover the world of sound. Date: Sunday 06.04.2025 Time: from 15:30h Place: GenussGarten - Bingen-Kempten (Outside Kempten 1 - 55411 Bingen) Tickets: Children & adults: €8.20 plus ticket shop fees Family ticket: €26.40 (4 people from one household) www.kleinekulturhelden.de


More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 06.04.2025 at 15:30 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Außerhalb Kempten 11
55411 Bingen-Kempten

Mail: info@genussgarten-bingen.de


Contact details

Kultur-und Eventmanagement
Maria-Sibylla-Merian-Str. 12
55122 Mainz

Mail: kontakt@kleinekulturhelden.de