Summernight in Nierstein with LaBrassBanda

on 12.07.2024 from 20:00 to 23:00 o'clock

Even after all these years, Stefan Dettl and his musicians are still not a bit tired. On the contrary, they surprised everyone for their 10th anniversary in 2017 with a fresh album, which they presented in a sold-out Olympic Hall, performed "Around The World" live at over 70 concerts and almost made countless beer tents in their home country and throughout Germany go wild. Tracht people party with hipsters, boys in lederhosen go just as wild as girls in Motörhead T-shirts, clichés about folk brass music literally dissolve in steam. Live, they are simply on top form, whether in South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, North America, Brazil, Morocco, Portugal or Bavaria. LaBrassBanda are without doubt one of the most successful brass pop bands in the world. What began as a revolution in the south of Germany got the whole country and now half the world dancing at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013. The band led by Stefan Dettl already has two gold albums to its name and has played over 1,100 concerts worldwide since it was founded 15 years ago - always barefoot and in lederhosen.

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Dates for this event

  • On 12.07.2024 from 20:00 to 23:00 Uhr


Venue / Meeting point

Kultur auf dem Hof
Bornstraße 15
55278 Dexheim

Tel.: (0049) 6133 507700


Contact details

Kultur auf dem Hof
Bornstraße 15
55278 Dexheim

Tel.: (0049) 6133 507700

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