"Psycho Sexy" - A Tribute to Red Hot Chili Peppers

on 11.04.2025 at 20:30 o'clock

Psycho Sexy prove that it's not just the music that counts, but also the understanding and comprehension of the “Red Hot Chili Peppers” subject matter. For the sake of completeness, the stage is decorated like the Peppers. Even the aristocratic Prada suit on the singer's body is not missing when Psycho Sexy takes the audience on a colorful, funky journey to California and back.

Admission from 7 p.m.; start at 8:30 p.m.

Tickets and further information at www.altes-e-werk-nierstein.de

Psycho Sexy
Altes E-Werk Logo

More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 11.04.2025 at 20:30 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Altes E-Werk
Pestalozziplatz 1
55283 Nierstein

Mail: altesewerk@gmail.com


Contact details

Altes E-Werk
Pestalozziplatz 1
55283 Nierstein

Mail: altesewerk@gmail.com

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