„Türen auf mit der Maus“

on 03.10.2024 at 10:00 o'clock

Nationwide door-opening day of the WDR - theme 2024 "Together" During the farm tour, we will show you how important it is for us to work together with nature and how we practice environmental and nature conservation together. Together we will experience what we do to respect the treasures that nature gives us." You can taste different types of apples and find out what good they do for your body. You can see how our fruit can be processed into a variety of foods. Together you can press apple juice from apples at the children's juicer and taste it.

Registration: https://www.wdrmaus.de/tuer_oeffner_tag/2024/index.php5

Türen auf mit der Maus
Appel Happel Mainz

More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 03.10.2024 at 10:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Appel Happel
Marienborner Bergweg 33
55127 Mainz-Marienborn

Tel.: (0049)6131 35905
Mail: appelhappel@web.de


Contact details

Appel Happel
Frau Ilonka Happel
Marienborner Bergweg 33
55127 Mainz-Marienborn

Tel.: (0049)6131 35905
Mail: appelhappel@web.de