Zu den Steingöttern am Wißberg

on 31.08.2024 at 15:00 o'clock

We cycle through the Welzbach valley to Ober-Hilbersheim, from there through St. Johann to the foot of the Sprendlinger Wißberg. We take a break in the Arena (a stop on the Via Vinea) and visit the stone gods. Via Zotzenheim, Welgesheim, Horrweiler, Dromersheim and Ockenheim we then return to the Rheinhessen Bicycle Museum in Gau-Algesheim. The tour is approx. 36 km long, mainly on paved farm tracks; there are a total of approx. 400 metres of elevation gain over the hilly landscape. We therefore recommend an e-bike or a good basic level of fitness for mountain bikers. With breaks (don't forget a picnic), the tour takes approx. 3 - 3.5 hours. Registration is not necessary, there are no participation costs

The tour is led by the ADFC-certified tour guide Mr Andreas Schmitt. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Schmitt on 0157-51146207


More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 31.08.2024 at 15:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Rheinhessisches Fahrradmuseum
Schlossgasse 12
55435 Gau-Algesheim

Tel.: (0049) 6725 992143
Mail: info.fahrradmuseum.g-a@web.de


Contact details

Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Kreisverband Mainz-Bingen e.V.
Herrn Andreas Schmitt
Zitadelle 1 F
55131 Mainz

Tel.: +49 6131617750
Mail: info@adfc-mainz.de

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