Vineyard site "Niersteiner Glöck" at sunset. Above the vineyard site lies the Kilianskirche, a landmark in Nierstein., © Torsten Silz© Torsten Silz

lees processing procedure

Eccentric screw pump VarioControl VC and lees filter Vario TF

Winner in the category Oenology in the first year was the lees processing procedre with eccentric screw pump VarioControl VC + lees filter Vario TF, which had beed submitted by the company Richard Wagner (Alzey) and the companies Schneider (Bretzenheim) and Strassburger (Westhofen).

The lees processing method is characterized by a product-friendly pump as well as an easy-to-use precoat filtration, which was achieved mainly by the use of monofilament filter cloths and is excellently suitable for coarse filtration as well as for lees processing. Thus, the overall system makes an important contribution to the processing of lees in the winery and brings a significant work time and labor savings in the hectic autumn operation.