
German expression wor a dry wine. One of the four flavours allowed to be given on Geran wine labels. A wine, that is declared as "trocken" must either have a maximum of 4g/l of residual sugar (which would then be called "klassisch trocken" - classic dry), or a maximum of 9g/l of residual sgar, if the tartaric aid is amaximum of 2g lower tha the residual sugar (e.g. at 8g/l residual sugar may not be less than 6g/l acidity). For sparkling wine, however, the term "trocken" indicates a residual sugar content of between 17 and 35 g / l, and the word "dry" is also permitted.

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Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey


Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey
