Wine festival in Kirchenstück - Wine festival awarded, © Martin Kämper© Martin Kämper

The museum mis located on three floors in the old city hospital. On second floor you can find the exhibition 'geology and palaeontology'. This is dedicated to the 'basin of Mainz' whose development can be followed over millions of years simply by usingt fossils.

On the first floor you can find the exhibiton pre and early history'. It shows the demolition of the cultural and historical development of inner Rhinehesse from the neolithic period over the bronze, iron and romanian period to the merovingian times.

The exhibition on the ground floor is about the city and regional history. Besides the representation of the historic development of the city from the medieval to the 20th century, special pieces of the exhibition are dedicated to the symbol figure of Volker from Alzey, the playman from the nibelungen song, the pioneer of the vine cultivation Georg Scheu or to the history of the medical care. A special main focus forms the history of the jews in Alzey and their culture.

Museum Alzey
Museum 2
Steinhalle Bild 1
Steinhalle Bild 2