The themes of gastronomy and local products were also a central concern of the participants okalen in the workshops to produce our L I ntegrierten L ändlichen E ntwicklungsstrategie (LILE) for the programming period 2014-2020. In particular, synergies ( energy that is used for cohesion and the joint fulfillment of tasks ) are to be used for further tourism offerings, and the population is to be given a strong appreciation of their own gastronomy and products.
The field of action is divided into the following sub-action fields:
2.1 Gastronomy
Exemplary project areas
- Voting round Gastronomy - tourism
- Gastronomic services for tourist infrastructure
- Marketing campaign Gastronomy
- Investment in gastronomic infrastructure
- Multifunctional re-use solutions
- Business succession advice
2.2 Wine experience
Exemplary project areas
- Voting circle Wine tourism
- Marketing campaign wine
- Market analyzes and feasibility studies on new cooperative products
- Wine pilgrims / Wine Hiking
- wine Events
- Wingertshäuschen / Weinbergstürme
2.3 Regional products
Exemplary project areas
- Presentations of agricultural direct marketers
- Training and education of regional producers
- Supra-regional marketing concept (possibly also with neighboring LEADER regions)
- Logistics concept for regional marketing
- Brochures, websites
- Culinary theme weeks
- Regional shelf, box, backpack
- cooking lessons
- Finishing and processing plants