The LEADER Rheinhessen region has a comparatively high proportion of historical and cultural traces that provide unique insights into different epochs and the lives of the people in those times.

The diversity of the cultural-historical potential in connection with the different landscape areas is a regional feature, which is to be used especially touristy more. It also means making people more aware of their regional heritage and thereby strengthening their shared identity. This should already be started in the children and youth sector.

The field of action "Experiencing a variety of history" is divided into the following sub-action fields:

5.1 Historical Heritage

Exemplary project areas:

  • Inventory / analysis and feasibility studies
  • Investing in historic cities
  • New communication concepts with supportive use of new media
  • Joint marketing of historical potential
  • Routes with historical references (hiking, cycling, pilgrimage)
  • Continuing education of guest guides
  • Museum Network
  • Cooperation of educational institutions

5.2 Cultural offer

Exemplary project areas:

  • Valorization of function rooms
  • Culture Academy / Cultural Forum
  • Cultural events and festivals
  • Cultural routes