Vineyard swings of Rheinhessen, © Dominik Ketz© Dominik Ketz

Around the Verbandsgemeinde of Sprendlingen-Gensingen

From Wißberg till the river Nahe

Amidst the gentle vine-covered hills in western Rheinhessen lies the Wißberg, the second-highest elevation in the Rheinhessen hill landscape. With a height of 270 meters, it is only surpassed by the Kappelberg (358 meters) in the Alzey-Worms district and offers magnificent views. In total, seven municipalities from three collective municipalities and two districts directly border the Wißberg, which offer you great panoramic views over the Rhinehessian Tuscany.

However, picturesque heights are not the only thing to be found in the Verbandsgemeinde Sprendlingen-Gensingen; the Nahe River also invites relaxation along its banks, meandering idyllically between Gensingen and Langenlonsheim through the region. Always following the river, you can explore the landscape on a hike or bike tour towards Bingen, where the Nahe flows into the Rhine, or towards Bad Kreuznach and Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg, where you can really unwind with a relaxed wellness day.

The Wißberg

The Wissberg, also known as "Tafelberg" due to its elongated plateau, is nestled between the towns of Gau-Bickelheim, Sprendlingen, St. Johann, Wolfsheim, Vendersheim, Wallertheim, and Gau-Weinheim in the wine and hill country of Rhineland-Palatinate. Hiking trails lead from each of these 7 places onto and around the mountain, offering views of the Rhineland-Palatinate panorama and geological features. But it's not just the picturesque views that attract visitors to the mountain. The available refreshment options, the iconic Cross Chapel, and the golf course are also popular destinations.

Sights to See at Wißberg and Nahe

The region around the Verbandsgemeinde Sprendlingen-Gensingen is particularly characterized by the vastness of the Rhineland-Palatinate hill landscape, which can be enjoyed during a leisurely picnic at a wine table or on a vineyard swing. You can find an overview of the locations of the vineyard swings around the Wißberg on the website of the VG Sprendlingen-Gensingen.

The numerous towers and panoramic trails around the Wißberg also offer magnificent views over the region.

Active Experiences

Whether it's the Selztal Cycle Path, the Weinpanorama-Tour, the Hiwwel-Route, the Weinerlebnispfad Via Vinea, or the Panoramaweg on the Wißberg, around the second-highest elevation in Rheinhessen, there are numerous well-marked cycling and hiking trails where you can explore the region actively.

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Contact details:

Tourist-Info Sprendlingen-Gensingen

Elisabethenstr. 1

55576 Sprendlingen

Tel: (0049) 6701 201-777

Contact details:

Tourist-Info Sprendlingen-Gensingen

Elisabethenstr. 1

55576 Sprendlingen

Tel: (0049) 6701 201-777