ZukunftsDORF - signing of the agreement, © Renate Jürgen / VG© Renate Jürgen / VG

The ZukunftsDORF project combines individual initiatives of seven local communities that wish to set themselves up for the future. Bechenheim, Bermersheim before the height, Bornheim, Offenheim, Freimersheim and Gau-Heppenheim from the Verbandsgemeinde Alzey-Land and Gumbsheim from the municipality Wöllstein develop for internal development concepts with feasible measures and a common concept.

The aim of the common concept is to explore common interests and approaches to action in a coordinated process, to develop cooperation fields from them and to anchor them in the individual concepts of interior development. For the preparation of the interior development concepts both working groups are planned, in which the citizens of all local communities can participate, as well as workshops for the individual local communities.

What is new is the approach that the local communities are not only looked at individually, but that they are specifically looking for joint solutions for the future challenges. This cooperative approach opens up new possibilities for discussing and implementing topics that do not make sense for a village alone or that are too costly.

For example, topics such as the digitization of villages,
Local supply, neighborhood help or new mobility offers.

Contents and goals:

  • Development of interior development concepts for the seven municipalities involved
  • Development of individual and joint concrete measures, which should be implemented in the short to medium term
  • Organization of working groups and meetings in which the citizens of all local communities can participate
  • Workshops for individual local communities

Facts at a glance
Carrier: Association Alzey-Land
Contact Person: Beate Dangmann
LAG decision of: 12/10/2017
Air flow: € 65,100 EAFRD means
Implementation period: 2018-2020

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