Hildegard von Bingen Exhibition at the Museum am Strom, © Jochen Tack© Jochen Tack

Visionary and saint

Hildegard von Bingen

Like no other woman of the Middle Ages, Hildegard von Bingen still fascinates people from all over the world today. The polymath is one of the most remarkable figures of our time and with her teaching of harmony of body and soul more relevant than ever. Discover their most important places of activity during a visit to Bingen and Rheinhessen. On our topic page about Hildegard von Bingen you will find information and inspiration summarized.

Hildegard von Bingen was given into care of a monastery at a young age. At an early stage she dealt with religion, medicine, ethics and music and wrote numerous works about it in the course of her life. She was the consultant of influential personalities of the middle ages and left an outstanding heritage with her teachings about the knowledge of medicinal herbs and the harmony between body, mind and soul.

Get to know the universal teaching in the 'Hildegard city' Bingen! The historic museum 'am Strom' dedicates a permanent exhibition to her and planted an idyllic herb garden on the basis of her natural history transmission. The vaulted cellar 'Rupertsberger' is the only preserved remain of her self founded monastery. Important scenes out of the life of the abbess show the Hildegard altar in the Rochus chapel and next to it is the Hildegard forum where the sisters of the cross devote themselves to the vivid communication of her messages. Additionally you can learn a lot knowledgeable about the works of Hildegard von Bingen on the 137 kilometre long Hildegard von Bingen pilgrimage trail which of course also leads through her main site of activity.



Bingen am Rhein


The central attraction of the Rochusberg is the pilgrimage church of St. Rochus, built in 1895 in neo-Gothic style. The first chapel was built on this site in 1666. The Rochus pilgrimage with Rochus festival also goes back to this time. A special feature is the Hildegard and Rupertus altar from 1895: The Hildegard altar shows scenes from the lives of the saints (outside of the service times only the church vestibule is open). In the Hildegard Forum of the Sisters of the Cross, exhibitions, lectures and seminars deal with the saint. A…



Rupertsberger Gewölbekeller

  At 1150 Hildegard von Bingen left the Frauenklause at the monastery with 20 companions Disibodenberg, after her debut work "Liber Scivias" great notoriety had attained. She founded her first monastery on Rupertsberg Bingen. Here was the abbess, who now retired Klausnerinnenleben in favor of a public service gave up, following the important Traffic routes of the Rhine. Probably between 1155/58 and 1165 the new one was born Monastic complex with the three-aisled, representative church in the center. In In her almost 30…



The Historical Museum on the River

With the Hildegard jubilee in 1998, the Historical Museum on the River - Hildegard von Bingen, the former electricity generating station on the bank of the Rhine River, opened its doors. There is a large department dedicated to Hildegard, the universal scholar and theologist. The museum offers something very special: a complete set of surgical instruments from the Roman days, discovered during renovation work in Bingen. A further department focuses on the Rhine Romantic epoch. In a unique way, the 200-year epoch is illustrated using, among…

On the way with Kristin

On Hildegard von Bingen's footsteps

Kristin from the blog Rheinhessenliebe, embarks on an exciting journey of discovery through Bingen. What you experienced exactly, you will find out in your blog.

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