Hildegard von Bingen Exhibition at the Museum am Strom, © Jochen Tack© Jochen Tack


At 1150
Hildegard von Bingen left the Frauenklause at the monastery with 20 companions
Disibodenberg, after her debut work "Liber Scivias" great notoriety
had attained. She founded her first monastery on Rupertsberg
Bingen. Here was the abbess, who now retired Klausnerinnenleben
in favor of a public service gave up, following the important
Traffic routes of the Rhine. Probably between 1155/58 and 1165 the new one was born
Monastic complex with the three-aisled, representative church in the center. In
In her almost 30 Rupertsberg years, most of Hildegard's works were created. 1632
during the Thirty Years' War, the monastery was destroyed. The sisters, parts of the
Monastic inventory and the relics Hildegards found in the monastery Eibingen
Rüdesheim recording. The Rupertsberger ruins used the Convention henceforth as
agricultural estate, before most of the remaining
Buildings in the middle of the 19th century the construction of the Nahe railway
had to give way.






Vaulted cellar at the historic place is by the Rupertsberger
Hildegard-Gesellschaft Bingen eV supervised and made accessible.


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Contact details:

Rupertsberger Gewölbekeller

Rupertsberger Gewölbe

55411 Bingen-Bingerbrück

Contact details:

Rupertsberger Gewölbekeller

55411 Bingen-Bingerbrück