Junghennblick mit Rastmöglichkeit Uelversheim


Aussichtspunkt Junghennblick

Junghennblick in Uelversheim With the help of volunteers, a cozy resting place for cyclists and hikers was created here. In addition to 2 tables with benches, there is an information board explaining which points can be seen from here. Simply enjoy the fantastic view for yourself!

City Hall



The City Hall is known locally as "fox's den" or "civil servants' prison", and it is a truly impressive building with a distinct architecture. Prior to its construction, Mainz had to do without a city hall, until the City Council in 1968 decided to change this. The project was awarded to the renowned Danish architectural firm of Jacobsen and Weitling. "We are convinced (...) that we have created a structure of lasting value that will be noted by the public and might even be somewhat controversial. We however believe that any…




The Greifenberg with the table of wine offers a perfect picnic ambience with a 360-degree panoramic view as a backdrop. An information board also informs about the fact that three Roman sarcophagi have been found on the Greifenberg.