February 2019
LAG Rheinhessen promotes voluntary work in 2019 as well
Proposals for voluntary citizens' projects can be submitted by 15 May 2019
February 2019
Proposals for voluntary citizens' projects can be submitted by 15 May 2019
The Local Action Group (LAG) Rheinhessen also has the opportunity this year to promote "volunteer citizen projects" with state funds. Through this promotion, volunteers in the LEADER region Rheinhessen have the opportunity for small projects with charitable character to receive unbureaucratic support. In total, the LEADER Region Rheinhessen has funds available for this purpose amounting to 20,000 euros.
It addresses non-profit organizations, associations, interest groups or loose associations of individuals that help to strengthen volunteer engagement in the LEADER region. You can receive support of up to 2,000 euros per individual measure. Above all, projects are to be promoted that contribute to the further education and qualification of volunteer work or that also show ways in which people can be won more for volunteer work.
The sequence
The promotion
Non-profit organizations, associations, interest groups or loose associations of individuals are supported
No promotion of political parties, municipal bodies, sports clubs or companies, as well as individuals
With the citizen project a charitable concern must be implemented
Material costs are eligible, possible work is to be provided voluntarily
(The promotion of used items is not possible)
How much?
The amount of funding depends on the number of points achieved in the project selection criteria: basic funding (at least 5 points) max. 1,000 euros; Premium promotion (at least 10 points) max. 2,000 euros
It is a fixed amount promotion. The amount of the subsidy may not exceed the amount of the investment costs.
The selection criteria
Depending on the degree of goal achievement, up to 10 points can be awarded for each selection criterion. A project has to achieve at least 5 points (basic funding). A premium grant may be awarded to individual projects that contribute to the attainment of at least three cross-cutting objectives in accordance with paragraph 6 of the LILE and which achieve a minimum score of 10 points.
Funding budget: | 20,000 euros (state funds) |
Date of the promotion call: | February 1, 2019 |
Submission deadline for expressions of interest: | May 15, 2019 |
Project selection by the LAG Rheinhessen: | Early June 2019 |
Deadline for the final settlement (Submission of implementation reports and bills at the LAG Rheinhessen) | October 15, 2019 |
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office of LAG Rheinhessen.
LAG Rheinhessen
Sandra Lange (Management I Regional Management)
Mareike Fox (assistant regional management)
c / o Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH for the district of Alzey-Worms
Ernst-Ludwig-Strasse 36
55232 Alzey
Tel. 06731/408 - 1022 or -1023; Fax 06731/408 1500,
LAG@Alzey-Worms.de; www.lag-rheinhessen.de