Luther Way 2, © Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH / Karl-Georg Müller© Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH / Karl-Georg Müller

Lutherweg 1521 Worms section Worms to Nierstein in Rhineland-Palatinate

Partial action field 1.1 Tourist offers

With the Lutherweg 1521 between Wartburg and Worms a long-distance hiking trail is to be created, which follows the traces of the journey of the reformer Martin Luther to the Reichstag to Worms and back again. The background for the transnational LEADER project is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 and the associated effects, places of action and itineraries of the reformer Martin Luther.

The Luther Trail through Rheinhessen, from the cathedral city of Worms to Nierstein, runs along almost 44 km along the RheinTerassenWeges and completes it in its southern part.

For the realization of the Luther Trail 1521, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the LAG Hersfeld-Rotenburg (Hesse) and the LAG Rheinhessen. After that the association Lutherweg in Hessen eV is responsible for the marketing measures and is financially supported by the state of Hesse. On the Rhine-Hessian section of the Luther Trail, measures for signage and information were implemented in close cooperation with the cooperation partner.

The Luther Trail has created a range of hiking and pilgrimage that is, on the one hand, an offer for the local population, but above all many hikers
from near and far will attract. As a 320 km long long-distance hiking trail,
which is also a pilgrimage, he creates an additional attraction for the
Hiking trails in Rheinhessen.

Contents and goals:

  • Capturing the paths and objects on the Rhine-Hessian section of the Luther Trail
  • Planning and implementation of the information boards
  • Planning and implementation of the lectern
  • Implementation of pioneering signage

Further information:

Facts at a glance
Carrier: Association Rhein-Selz
Contact Person: Rudolf Felgner
LAG decision of: 09/05/2016
Air flow: 47,367 € EAFRD funds
Implementation period: 2017-2018