The vivid market place is located in the middle of Mainz and above him thrones the cathedral St. Martin. Archbishop Willigis let it built in the 10th century after the role model of the basilica St. Peter in Rome. The house of God witnessed seven king's coronations but also seven fires. Not least because of this is the church architecture shaped by numerous reconstructions and additions. However, the old basic dimensions and the Romanesque appearance have never been lost sight of.
When you step through the big portal of the imperial cathedral the buzz of the old town goes out. The interior space with three ships, two choirs and numerous chapel additions offers the possibility to have a silent prayer. Wo wants to get to know hidden details and specialties of the impressive building can participate in an exciting cathedral tour.
Worth seeing is also the two-floor cloister from the 15th century. In the adjoining buildings once lived the canons. Today there's the Episcopal Cathedral and Diocesan Museum, the second largest of its kind in germany. In the museum you will find, beside changing exhibitions, a huge collection of sacral artworks.