Built in 1885, refurbished in the course of the project "Umweltbahnhof Rheinland-Pfalz" in the years 1999-2001. After in 1864 the first train to Worms, 1867 to Alzey, 1872 to Marnheim / Kaiserslautern and 1873 to Grünstadt drove, the station developed into a major railway junction at which the railroad stations "station", "Bahnmeisterei", "Bahnbetriebswerk" and "Signalmeisterei" secondarily employed over 50 people. Today, no official of Bahn AG can be found in the station anymore. But it is still an important transportation hub with Park + Ride parking. Text taken from local tour Monsheim by courtesy.

Bahnhof Monsheim
railway impression © Michael Röhrenbeck
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Contact details:

Bahnhof Monsheim


Contact details:

Bahnhof Monsheim
