New information on enjoyment hiking in the wine country
New folding map for RheinTerrassenWeg published
A new folding map makes planning a tour on the RheinTerrassenWeg even easier. The map gives an overview of the entire course. Assigned to each stage are important track information, elevation profile and directions. Also adjacent theme trails are presented. With the excerpt from the timetable of the regional train between Mainz and Worms with all stations in between you can also plan the return trip.
New edition of the brochure "Prädikatswanderwege in Rheinhessen"
The new predicate routes in Rheinhessen, the "Hiwweltouren", started successfully last year. The demand for the "Hiwweltourenbroschüre" was correspondingly high. Due to the very good signage while a bleeding is impossible. Nevertheless, the small map sketches and the directions are a good introduction to the tours, may open only the eyes for the landscape and its special features. The new edition of the brochure has been supplemented with tips on gastronomy along the paths.
Both brochures - "The Rheinterrassenweg - Rhine and Wine Experience" and "Predicate Hiking Trails in Rheinhessen" - are available free of charge from Rheinhessen-Touristik on 061 32/44 17 0, at all tourist information and at www.rheinhessen.de.
Order brochures here:
Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH
Ingrid Weigerding
Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4
55232 Alzey
Tel: (0049) 6731 89989 03Rheinhessen-Touristik GmbH
Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4
55232 Alzey
Tel: (0049) 6731 89989 03