History of Rheinhessen
This volume narrates scientifically the history of the region and its inhabitants from the Thirty Years' War to the present day.
The coexistence of territories, the destruction of numerous wars, population growth, the French Revolution, and belonging to Napoleon's empire have shaped the landscape and its people.
How then, since 1816, the personal, political, social, economic and cultural relations and experiences in this area condense, so that the inhabitants of the province understand themselves as "Rheinhessen", this is the book; but also how this regional identity evolves in times of globalization.
Rheinhessen 1816 - 2016
The landscape - The people
Gunter Mahler wine
384 pages, 60 illustrations
Format 17.5 x 24.5 cm
tied, price: 39,90 €
ISBN: 978-3-945751-14-5