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The Nibelung is a Germanic heroic legend that is widespread in Germany and Scandinavia. Over the centuries, many different versions have been told. The most famous one is probably the Middle High German "Nibelungenlied" (around 1200, probably from the area Passau). Most scenes of the saga play in Worms. Worms also is the Nibelung city. There is a Nibelung Museum and the annual Nibelungen Festival .

Ochsel, must weight © DWI


In Rheinhessen, the sugar content of grape must is expressed in degrees Oechsle. The Oechsle degrees indicate by how many grams one liter of must is heavier than one liter of water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. The name refers to Christian Ferdinand Oechsle, who produced the scale and made it accessible for winemakers in 1827. However, he was not the inventor of this method, but he defined the scale according to the must weight. In the United States, the must weight is measured in Brix, the French measure in…

Winemaker Gysler at the inspection of the soil

Organic viticulture

An economy based on the natural material cycle and its interactions in the biotope vineyard. It intends to do viticulture without chemical pesticides, weed control and mineral fertilizers as good as possible. The cultivation guidelines of the Federal Association of Organic Viticulture, to which many winegrowers also belong in Rheinhessen, give some details.

Orange wine

Orange wine

The orange wine can be recognized by its dark yellow to orange color. It is also referred to as the fourth wine colour, as an addition to white, rosé and red. It is a white wine made like a red wine. The white wine grapes are fermented on the skins and absorb more tannins and colors from the skin.



The term quality wine with predicate is a quality level for German wine. It is the highest quality level a wine in Germany can achieve. This stage demands a special maturity and harvest style; Enriching or chaptalization are not allowed. There are six different predicates, again with different minimum must weights depending on grape variety and growing area.


"Pro Riesling"

Some wineries in Rheinhessen are members of the "Association for the promotion of Riesling culture eV - Pro Riesling", which was founded in 1985 in Trier. Their aim is, to raise awareness for Riesling as the most noble German grape variety. The regional group is especially focused on the Riesling grown in Rheinhessen ("Pro Riesling Rheinhessen"). Every two years the national competition for the Riesling Producer Award takes place, during which the winners from Rheinhessen present themselves in a gala in Mainz.


Quality level

The German wines are divided into 3 quality levels: German table wine, quality wine b.A. and Prädikatswein. In which group a wine is to be classified depends on must weight, ripeness and type of harvest. In the case of quality wine (with or without predicate), it is assigned by the tasting center. The quality level is indicated on the label.


Quality wine

A Quality wine must be made from certain grape varieties (given on a list). The grapes must be harvested exclusively in Rheinhessen (no blend of different areas). The wine must be typical in appearance, smell and taste, it must be free of defaults typical for origin and grape variety.