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Name for a part of Rheinhessen, that used to be known as "Rheinfront" along the B9 from Mainz-Laubenheim to Mettenheim. The emblem is a pentagon with the word »Rheinterrasse«, on top of a grape and a vineyard by the Rhine. These communities promote the area together (eg hiking and cycling map) and act as "showcase of Rheinhessen".

New breeds, rod


Rheinhessen expession for a newly planted vineyard. In the first year after planting, some smaller vineyards may also be called "e Rodche".

rose wine © DWI

Rosé wine

A wine of pale to light red color made from red grapes. The wine type must be indicated by the words "roséwein" or "Rosé". If the rosé wine is a quality wine and obtained exclusively from grapes of one single grape variety, it can be called "Weißherbst". When producing rosé, the grapes are immediately pressed without any previous fermentation and not "skin fermented", like it is nomally done in the production of red wine.

Roter Hang

"Roter Hang"

German expression for "red slope". Steep slopes in Nierstein and Nackenheim, directly by the Rhine, named after the type of soil that already shimmers red from afar. The soil, which is called "Rotliegendes" in Rheinhessen, is a red slate that was created 250 million years ago, and offers perfect conditions for wine growing. The wines from this type of soil have a strong mineral character. Every year the winemakers organize a wine tasting on Roter hang, where all the wines grown in that vineyard can be tasted right where they are…



A wine of pale to light red color, produced by blending white wine grapes with red wine grapes. It is the only case of a permitted red-and-white blending before the grapes are turned into wine (mixing red and white grapes is allowed, whereas mixing red and white wine is not). The practical importance of Rotling is very low in Rheinhessen, only a few companies have it on sale.

red wine

Red wine

Rheinhessen is traditionally known as white wine region. However, several "red wine islands" have always been around Ingelheim, Gundersheim and Biebelnheim. In addition, there is Dornfelder and Pinot Noir ("Spätburgunder"), just as well as Portugieser, Frühburgunder (Pinot Madeleine) or Regent. In the last few years, there has been some international red varieties as well, such as Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon. The increased demand for red wine and for special wines like "Weißherbst" led to the cultivation of red…


Riddling desk

The riddling desk is used during sparkling wine production. The bottles are initially placed in the desk almost horizontally. Over a period of one month, the bottles are slowly turned and moved into a more and more upright position. All of this is done by hand. Once, the bottle is placed in the riddling desk upside down, the riddling pocess is over. All the yeast in the bottle has sunk into the bottle neck and the wine can now be disgorged.



The total acidity of a grape must is normally 6.5-7.5 g / l for white wines and 5-6 g / l for red wines. It is composed of tartaric acid, malic acid and lactic acid and succinic acid. Tartaric acid is the "backbone" of a wine. It shapes its taste and is a determining factor in its storage life. The relationship of acidity and alcohol content, among other factors, is an integral part of the wine's harmony. The proportion of tartaric acid also depends on the grape variety. In immature wines, the malic acid predominates. In some years,…

Shy item image

Scheu, Georg

1879 (Krefeld) - 1949 (Alzey). Founder of the vine breeding (vines selection and crossbreeding) and the seedlings in Rheinhessen, most successful German vine grower. Longtime leader of the later State Institute of Vine Breeding in Alzey. Test series in order to find grape varieties that are consistent in quality and yield. For this purpose crossing already known grape varieties. Scheurebe, which was entered in the register of varieties in 1954, is particularly reminiscent of his work. Other breeds: Siegerrebe, Faberrebe, Kanzler,…