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The first level of quality wines with predicate. In addition to the basic requirements, a natural minimum alcohol content is required. In Rheinhessen, it is 73 degrees Oechsle for Riesling, Müller-Thurgau and Silvaner and 76 degrees Oechsle for the remaining grape varieties.



Charlemagne was most likely born in 747 or 748 and died in Aachen in 814. He was King of the Frankish Empire from 768 to 814 and was the first Western European ruler since 800 to be emperor. In Rheinhessen, his traces are found mainly in Ingelheim.


Wine press

The wine press separates the must (liquid juice of the grape) from the pulp (solid components of the mash, the crushed grapes "poured" on the winepresses) and lets it flow into a tank. For many centuries, the massive tree press made of oak wood, that was invented in Greee, dominated the appearance of pressing houses. It was followed by the screw press around 1900, the hydraulic press and since the 1960s, the electrically operated horizontal press with constantly refined technology and fully automatic control of the operations.…



"Kerb" is the Rheinhessen word for church consecration. It has been celebrated once per year since the Middle Ages on the occasion of the church consecration. Today, religion usually plays a subordinate role.


Classic grape varieties

These are the traditional grape varieties (standard grape varieties) in contrast to the new varieties. These include, for example, Silvaner, Riesling, the Pinot varieties (white and red), Traminer, Portugieser. In the first half of the twentieth century, they characterized the Rheinhessen wine style. Later, they were pusghed back by the new aromatic grape varieties for a couple of years. For some years now, the classic grape varieties have been celebrating a renaissance again.



Rheinhessen is one of the four large drylands in Germany and is one of the sunniest and driest regions in Central Europe. Apart from the southwest of the region, the annual precipitation varies on average between 400 and 500 mm, which is low for German conditions. Hunsrück and Pfälzer Bergland (Donnersberg) keep the damp westerly winds off, "the rain remains in the mountains," which also provide wind protection, and the incoming sea-air masses rise warmly, but with little rain, to Rheinhessen. The clouds dissolve and bring only low…

Korken_DWI © DWI


Traditional bottle cap from the outer bark of cork oak growing in the Mediterranean. It lets the atmospheric oxygen get into the bottle, which then ripens the "breathing" wine. But the maturation of a wine includes, as with any living product, the development to its climax and the subsequent "degradation of the personality," which makes the "experience of wine" so fascinating. On the other hand, cork oak plantations in Portugal (80% of cork), Spain and France are almost exhausted. The mouldy, bitter taste of a cork error can…


Kosher wine

Kosher means "pure", the terms kosher food, or kosher wine, of course, have an origin. People living in tropical climates suffered from food poisoning, as there was no way to store food for a long time at high temperatures, so preventive measures were taken, in order to protect against poisoning. Initially, these rules were not tied to any religion, but later they were incorporated by Judaism and Islam into their scriptures to ensure compliance with the rules. There are also such rules for kosher wine. Here, the main focus…