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Culture and Wine Ambassador

"Kultur- und Weinbotschafter"

German expression for "culture and wine ambassador". The are culture and wine ambassadors in Mosel, Nahe, Pfalz and Rheinhessen. They present the different wine growing areas and often show you unknown new ways off the beaten track. A wine and culture ambassador alwas has an insider tip up their sleeves. Culture and Wine Ambassador Rheinhessen

Single layer, layer name

Site name

A site (German: "Lage") is a vineyard, whose borders are defined by wine law, which is provided with a specific official name registered by the Chamber of Agriculture. Its name does not have to be indicated on the label, but is usually found there (not on brands or varietal wines). If the site name is used then the community name must be added as well. The site is the narrowest geographical indication of origin. As part of the new VDP quality declaration, site wines are the highest quality.



The Chamber of Agriculture Rhineland-Palatinate annually awards the wines and sparkling wines from the Rheinhessen region. The Chamber of Agriculture is recognized as the only institution in Rhineland-Palatinate by the Ministry of Vinicultue, that awards quality wines, quality wines with predicate and Sekt from the specific regions of the country. The following awards can be given: "Bronzene Kammerpreismünze" (bronze chamber-prize; 3.5 points), "Silberne Kammerpreismünze" (silver chamber-prize coin; 4.0 points), "Goldene…



Wine of protected geographic indication. Its production is approved in Rhineland-Palatinate. As "uncomplicated, daily wine" it corresponds to the French "vin de pays". The grapes must all come from Rheinhessen and from certain grape varieties (they are also suitable for quality wine). The land vineyard area is called "Rheinischer Landwein" or "Landwein Rhein". In addition to this indication of origin, others (such as "Rheinhessen" or area, location or community name) are not permitted. On the other hand, indications of vintage and…

Logo Lwk

Chamber of Agriculture

The regional office responsible for Rheinhessen (specialist department) of the Chamber of Agriculture Rhineland-Palatinate (Weinbauamt) is based in Alzey. Their responsibilities are: cultivation regulation, quality wine testing according to the sensory examination of quality wines and insects for issuing the Official Examination Number, official system for the monitoring of the maximum yield scheme, premium of wine and sparkling wine, recognition of grape vine planting material, vocational training, regional planning, professional…


foliage work

The last part of the foliage work on the vine in late summer, from mid-July to September. As a result, the grapes are better exposed, the evaporation of water is promoted, the nutrients go only to the grapes, the must weight is increased. At the same time a better ventilation of the vine is achieved (reduction of stalk diseases and decay).



Originally derived from the Liebfrauenkirche, a church in Worms, the wine name (milk = minch = monk). The Liebfrauenkirche was surrounded by a small vineyard area early on. When the original vineyards were no longer sufficient to satisfy the demand for the popular wine, it turned into a name for wines from the Worms area. The term then became the fantasy name with regional (area) binding. The Liebfrauemmilch is an important type of wine in the export of Rheinhessen wines.



German expession for a sweet wine with a residual sugar content of more than 18g/l, but below 45g/l. However, the expression "lieblich", nowadays is rarely used on the label.

Mainz wine exchange

"Mainzer Weinbörse"

Largest German wine fair for trade visitors with an extensive wine offer from VDP wineries from all German wine regions. Is has been organized since 1974 and since 1975 it has been held under this name in April in Rheingoldhalle Mainz (only open to trade visitors).