img_0659, © Isabella Heider© Isabella Heider

The Leininger castle in the center has a rich history. The shell was completed in 1708, to a further expansion, however, did not initially, because the then owner, Count Carl Ludwig of Leiningen-Dagsburg-Falkenburg, died in 1709. His wife, Countess Anna Sabina of Nostitz, sold the property in financial distress in 1717 to the Palatinate Privy Council. In the following years, the castle fell more and more into oblivion, until 70 years later, in 1787, again became a member of the Leininger family owners. Count Wilhelm Carl zu Leiningen-Guntersblum renovated the impressive building and further expanded it for the purposes of the count's family. In 1833, the castle became the property of the community Guntersblum and is since 1834 officially used as a town hall. Since 2014, there is also an administrative office of the municipality Rhein-Selz in the building. In addition, the basement is used as an event space. The area in front of the castle was originally designed as a sprawling castle park. Over time, this park was pushed back from various buildings, today holds a single well the position as a relic of strange days.

Leininger Schloss Brunnen
Leininger Schloss ganz
Leininger Schloss Brunnen2
Leininger Schloss Tür
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Contact details:

Ortsgemeinde Guntersblum

Alsheimer Straße 29

67583 Guntersblum

Tel: (0049)6249 902 112

Contact details:

Ortsgemeinde Guntersblum

Alsheimer Straße 29

67583 Guntersblum

Tel: (0049)6249 902 112
