Cycling in the Selz Valley, © © Rheinhessen-Touristik© © Rheinhessen-Touristik
The RheinWein tour © Marcus Gloger

Rhine wine tour

A light and easy cycling pleasure. The focus is on Rhine and wine. First upriver along the vineyards of the Rhine terrace, then on the Hessian side back over the Rhine dike.

Amiche Cycle Route

A simple but varied round-trip that follows the railway line from the Rhine to the first foothills of the Rhine Hessian hills. When the Rhine Hessian rail network opened in the 19th century, even the villages in the east of the region had their own railway lines and these were affectionately referred to as ‘Amiche’. Today, these railway lines are used as cycle tracks.

Fruit route (round trip)

A condition-demanding round through orchards and vineyards and in the middle of the red wine and Kaiserpfalzstadt Ingelheim. Strong climbs on the Rhenish Hesse plateau are rewarded with great views of the hills of Rheinhessen and the Taunus. The Rhine is also one of the party and promises a few comfortable kilometers through the Rhine meadows with a view of the Rheingau. This tour is of course particularly appealing to the flowering of flowers in spring.

Idyllic Rhine meadows © Marcus Gloger

Kühkopf tour

A tour to switch off. Rhine meadows, Rhine islands experience and immerse yourself in eventful history and the lush nature of the Altrhein. Two ferry rides across the country make the Rhine experience complete.

Binger Kulturufer with a view of the Rüdesheim vineyards © Uwe Feuerbach

Experience Rheinhessen and Rheingau vis à vis

Cross the Rhine Cycle Tour

Experience Rheingau and Rheinhessen vis-à-vis - this tour combines what is otherwise respectful - Rheingau and Rheinhessen, two wine regions that can not be more different. A real adventure tour for a fulfilling day trip with the right mixture of river experience, wine and Rhine panoramas and important cultural monuments. Also suitable for a sporty family trip and well connected to the train.