Riesling grapes, © Gut Erbes© Gut Erbes


The Erbes winery is located in the heart of Rheinhessen. Its vineyards "Spiesheimer Osterberg" and "Ensheimer Kachelberg" are favored by the sunny micro and mesoclimate. Therefore, the Romans already grew wine in this area. Here, the Erbes winery has one of the best lime marl soils. The typical terroir influenced wines of the Erbes winery have been awarded several times, for example the Sauvignon Blanc QbA, Chardonnay Auslese, Riesling Auslese, Blue Pinot Noir selection and many others. Specialties of the winery Erbes are • Wines from the Pinot family • Rieslings of different quality • Oak-matured barrique wines • Rarities of older vintages After studying viticulture and beverage technology in Geisenheim, the certified winemaker Heribert Erbes took over the traditional winery from his father in 1980. He continuously developed the winery for the sustainable production of premium wines. Incidentally, Heribert Erbes is a lecturer for young wine growers, authored numerous publications and asked as a wine juror. His motto: "You do not just learn to create a premium wine by studying at the viticulture school. Equally important is experience and the careful handling of nature. "
In the Erbes winery, English and German are spoken.

Wine Juror Heribert_Erbes, © Gut Erbes
Wine Juror Heribert_Erbes
Sauvignon_blanc, © Gut Erbes
heritage logo, © Gut Erbes_
heritage logo
Heribert_Erbes, © Gut Erbes
BlauerSpaetburgunder2011, © Gut Erbes
Riesling grapes, © Gut Erbes
Riesling grapes
Wine Juror Heribert_Erbes, © Gut Erbes
Wine Juror Heribert_Erbes
Sauvignon_blanc, © Gut Erbes

About us

Contact details:

Heribert Erbes
Berggäßchen 6 55288 Spiesheim

Processed vineyards

Oppenheimer Herrenberg

Oppenheimer Herrenberg

Wonderful vineyard site

Above Oppenheim, beginning at Landskron Castle, this single vineyard site runs along the slope to the south-southeast. The name actually refers to gentlemen, not meaning fine men, but actual rulers. It is unknown whether ecclesiastical or secular lords are meant, but it is suspected, that the lords of Dalberg gave the vineyard its name. They were one of the most important noble families in medieval Oppenheim. The Herrenberg is interspersed with limestone, a deep and poor soil, especially for white grape varieties such as Riesling, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc and Silvaner. The grapes ripen slowly and show great ripening potential. The wines are very mineral. A visit to the Landskron ruins, the magnificent Katharinenkirche (the local church) and the town centre is recommended. Oppenheim is home to the German Museum of viticulture.

By the way: the single vineyard "Am Krötenbrunnen" once made the town of Oppenheim very famous. Today, this vineyard name no longer exists due to land consolidation. Yet, the Toad Fountain originally was not a vineyard, but an old water system. The gallery, which leads 30 metres into the mountain, has been shut down for many years. But until today, it is still there, in the center of the "Oppenheimer Herrenberg" site.

> Overview of the sights in and around Oppenheim: https://www.stadt-oppenheim.de/sehen/ 
> Link to the German Wine Museum: https://www.dwm-content.de/ 
> The Rheinterrassenweg leads through the middle of the single vineyard site https://www.rheinhessen.de/etappenvorschlaege/rheinterrassenweg-etappe-guntersblum-ludwigshoehe-dienheim-oppenheim 
> On the development of the field name "Am Krötenbrunnen": https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim/einzelaspekte/flurnamen.html 
> Rheinhessen blog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/kirchenfuehrung-katharinenkirche-oppenheim-magdalena-schaeffer/

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Niersteiner Orbel

Niersteiner Orbel

Not a swear word, but full-bodied praise

The single vineyard is located at the southern end of "Roter Hang" in a side valley towards Schwabsburg. The name Orbel was mentioned in the community chronicles as early as 1386. "Ölbel" is a dialect word borrowed from the dialect of the locals. An "Ölbel" is a broad, strong, four-bearded man who appears uncouth. A swear word! In relation to the wine, however, it is not a negative association: the wines here are full-bodied, juicy and rich. Riesling or Silvaner grow on loess and red-lying soil that is fissured like slate gravel. Not far from the site: the Schwabsburg castle tower.

> Audio to the hiking trail, station Orbel: https://roter-hang.de/weinerlebnis/orbel/ 
> To the suitable hike above the single vineyard: https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/wanderung/rheinhessen/von-nierstein-zur-niersteiner-warte-und-zur-schwabsburg/33918115/#dmdtab=oax-tab3 
> Discover the single vineyard by bike: https://www.rheinhessen.de/amiche-radweg 

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Oppenheimer Sackträger

Oppenheimer Sackträger (Bag Carrier of Oppenheim)

Carrying goods from the river to the town

Guilds and associations of craftsmen or merchants were very important in the Middle Ages. In Oppenheim there was a guild of sack bearers. Today they would be called transporters or logisticians. They once carried the ship's goods from the river Rhein to Oppenheim, as the town is located on an elevated site. Certainly a lot of goods were stored in the cellar labyrinths afterwards. These can still be visited today. The single vineyard was mentioned in 1475 as "hinder dem sacktreger thorne". Heavily weathered limestone lies in the subsoil. Vines such as Riesling, Silvaner or Gewürztraminer, but also Pinot Noir feel at home in the warm, wind-protected location.

> Discover the underground city of Oppenheim: https://www.rheinhessen.de/a-oppenheimer-kellerlabyrinth 
> Regional history of the town of Oppenheim: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim.html 
> On the development of field names: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim/einzelaspekte/flurnamen.html 
> The next generation of winegrowers is trained directly at the site: Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum. 

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