
Horny champagne and winery

Since completing his internship in the Burgundy Domaine Méo-Camuzet and completing his viticulture studies, Florian R. Geil is now responsible for the wines together with Rudolf Geil. The focus is on Pinots and Riesling. Best dry Riesling in Germany at the "Vinum Riesling Champion 2014". Victory at the "wine. pur-Trophy 2015 "with the 2011 Bürgel Pinot Noir. 2 grapes in Gault Millau 2016. 3 stars in Eichelmann 2016. Gault Millau: "The wines have become even more elegant and finer that the second grape is a matter of course. Compliment!"

In the winery, German, English and French are spoken.

About us

  • Winemaker Rudolf Geil, Florian R. Geil
  • Vineyard-area 14 hectares
  • specialist trade
  • sparkling wine
  • Maxim origin Rheinhessen

Contact details:

Geil' s Sekt- und Weingut
Rudolf und Birgit Geil
Zeller Straße 8 67593 Bermersheim

Processed vineyards

Nieder-Flörsheimer Frauenberg

Nieder-Flörsheimer Frauenberg (Women’s mountain of Nieder-Flörsheim)

Of nuns and damsels

Women were once in charge here: the site was first mentioned in a document in 1290 with the name "an frauwenhalten". Originally, the hill was owned by a nunnery. Riesling and Pinot Noir vines grow on loess and limestone. Benches and a table at the "Fräulein von Flersheim" trullo can be used for a rest. In summer, roses bloom lushly there. The red vineyard hut at the Goldbergbrunnen is partly catered for.

> Info about the trullo "Fräulein von Flersheim", owned by Weingut Beyer-Bähr: https://www.tourenplaner-rheinland-pfalz.de/de/punkt/veranstaltungsort/weinbergshaeuschen-trullo-frl.-v.-flersheim/54980916/
> Info about the Wingertheisje at the Goldbergbrunnen: https://tacheles-landrestaurant.de/wingertsheisje/ 
> To all hiking and biking tours of Flösrheim-Dalsheim: https://www.floersheimdalsheim.de/og/freizeit-tourismus/rad-wandern-gps-touren/ 

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Dalsheimer Bürgel

Dalsheimer Bürgel

Pinot wines and sparkling wines at the Fleckenmauer

The single vineyard "Bürgel" is located by the famous Fleckenmauer. The vineyard was first noted in 1286 with the name "retro montem" (Latin: retro for behind, and mons for mountain). A hundred years later, in 1358, someone wrote down "uf dem berge"(engl. “on the mountain”), which became "Bürgel". Pinot grape varieties like Pinot Gris, Blanc and Noir grow especially well here. In addition to fertile loess and marl soil, the ochre-coloured limestone "terra fusca" is decisive for the quality. Not only for top wines, but also for sparkling wines. Therefore it is not surprising that the 1,100-metre-Fleckenmauer was built with limestone. It is the only medieval wall of this magnificence preserved in Rheinhessen.

  • To the other individual sites of Dalsheim: Hubacker
  • A former transmitter for starling defense has been converted into a lookout tower. Below: a typical Rheinhessen trullo. 
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