© Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim© Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim

Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim

The wine-growing domain Oppenheim was founded in 1895 by Ernst Ludwig Grand Duke of Hessen and near Rhein. Of all state vineyards in Rhineland-Palatinate, it is the only one of the Verband der Prädikatsweingüter (VDP). 23 hectares of vineyards are now owned by the domain operation. Including many in the top locations of the Rhine terrace: Oppenheimer Herrenberg, Oppenheimer Sackträger and Niersteiner Glöck (in sole ownership). In the basement, Thorsten Eller has been director of the cellar for two years. It is his responsibility to work out the intricacies of the well-known Oppenheim vineyard sites.

On the domain, English and German are spoken.

© Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim
Logo domain, © Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim
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© Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim
Logo domain, © Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim
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About us

  • Vineyard-area 23 hectares
  • sparkling wine
  • Maxim origin Rheinhessen
  • VDP
  • Selection Rheinhessen

Contact details:

Staatliche Weinbaudomäne Oppenheim
Michael Lipps
Wormser Straße 162 55276 Oppenheim

Processed vineyards

Oppenheimer Herrenberg

Oppenheimer Herrenberg

Wonderful vineyard site

Above Oppenheim, beginning at Landskron Castle, this single vineyard site runs along the slope to the south-southeast. The name actually refers to gentlemen, not meaning fine men, but actual rulers. It is unknown whether ecclesiastical or secular lords are meant, but it is suspected, that the lords of Dalberg gave the vineyard its name. They were one of the most important noble families in medieval Oppenheim. The Herrenberg is interspersed with limestone, a deep and poor soil, especially for white grape varieties such as Riesling, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc and Silvaner. The grapes ripen slowly and show great ripening potential. The wines are very mineral. A visit to the Landskron ruins, the magnificent Katharinenkirche (the local church) and the town centre is recommended. Oppenheim is home to the German Museum of viticulture.

By the way: the single vineyard "Am Krötenbrunnen" once made the town of Oppenheim very famous. Today, this vineyard name no longer exists due to land consolidation. Yet, the Toad Fountain originally was not a vineyard, but an old water system. The gallery, which leads 30 metres into the mountain, has been shut down for many years. But until today, it is still there, in the center of the "Oppenheimer Herrenberg" site.

> Overview of the sights in and around Oppenheim: https://www.stadt-oppenheim.de/sehen/ 
> Link to the German Wine Museum: https://www.dwm-content.de/ 
> The Rheinterrassenweg leads through the middle of the single vineyard site https://www.rheinhessen.de/etappenvorschlaege/rheinterrassenweg-etappe-guntersblum-ludwigshoehe-dienheim-oppenheim 
> On the development of the field name "Am Krötenbrunnen": https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim/einzelaspekte/flurnamen.html 
> Rheinhessen blog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/kirchenfuehrung-katharinenkirche-oppenheim-magdalena-schaeffer/

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Niersteiner Ölberg

Niersteiner Ölberg (Oil mountain of Nierstein)

Biblical reference, oil mill or oily Rieslings?

Is the single vineyard named “Ölberg” because an oil mill once stood here? Or did the Ölberg get its name because of the oily consistency of the wines produced here? Does the site maybe have biblical references, named after a monastery? Anything is possible. The single vineyard is part of the "Roter Hang" but turns away from the river Rhein and faces south-southeast, situated above Nierstein. Partly very steep with a gradient of up to 60 percent. Like it is tpical for Roter Hang, the soil here is Rotliegendes, the iron oxide-containing, and landscape-defining red shining clay slate. The dominant grape variety is Riesling. In the middle of the vineyard: the Wartturm, a Nierstein landmark. Once a medieval signal tower from the 12th century.

> Discover the single vineyard by bike: https://www.rheinhessen.de/amiche-radweg

> Info about the Nierstein Wartturm: https://www.rheinhessen.de/a-wartturm-von-nierstein
> Wine events, winemakers and more: https://roter-hang.de/

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Oppenheimer Sackträger

Oppenheimer Sackträger (Bag Carrier of Oppenheim)

Carrying goods from the river to the town

Guilds and associations of craftsmen or merchants were very important in the Middle Ages. In Oppenheim there was a guild of sack bearers. Today they would be called transporters or logisticians. They once carried the ship's goods from the river Rhein to Oppenheim, as the town is located on an elevated site. Certainly a lot of goods were stored in the cellar labyrinths afterwards. These can still be visited today. The single vineyard was mentioned in 1475 as "hinder dem sacktreger thorne". Heavily weathered limestone lies in the subsoil. Vines such as Riesling, Silvaner or Gewürztraminer, but also Pinot Noir feel at home in the warm, wind-protected location.

> Discover the underground city of Oppenheim: https://www.rheinhessen.de/a-oppenheimer-kellerlabyrinth 
> Regional history of the town of Oppenheim: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim.html 
> On the development of field names: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim/einzelaspekte/flurnamen.html 
> The next generation of winegrowers is trained directly at the site: Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum. 

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Niersteiner Glöck

Niersteiner Glöck

Highlight of wine culture - with bell ringing

According to legend, it is the oldest vineyard in Germany to be mentioned in a document: a deed of donation from the year 742 is supposed to prove this. The vineyard takes its name from St. Kilian's Church and its bells - but it is unclear whether this comes from the bells or because the church bell-ringer was paid with wine from the site. The Kilianskirche is still surrounded by the vineyards of this site. A centuries-old vineyard wall encloses the site, built by monks in the Middle Ages. The single vineyard site is the sole property of the Oppenheim State Vineyard Domain. Traditionally, 2/3 Riesling and 1/3 Pinot Noir grow on the loess-loam soil. The Rieslings are very fruity and have a high ageing potential.

> Info about the highlights of the wine culture: https://www.deutscheweine.de/tourismus/hoehepunkte-der-weinkultur/hoehepunkte-der-weinkultur-detailseite/highlight/niersteiner-gloeck-aelteste-weinbergslage-deutschlands/ 
> Info on the Nierstein hiking trails, for example the Rhine Terrace Route: https://www.nierstein.de/wein-tourismus-kultur/weinfreunde-wanderer/ 
> Hiking trail with 12 stations, starting at the Kilianskirche: https://roter-hang.de/weinerlebnis/start/ 
> About the other vineyards in Nierstein on the Rote Hang, for example Kranzberg or Ölberg.   
> Wine events, winemakers and more: https://roter-hang.de/ 
> Rheinhessenblog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/herbstwandern-bei-nierstein-weinberge-mit-aussicht/

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Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Where the "Rote Hang" (engl. red slope) is at its reddest

It is the northernmost and one of the steepest sites in the "Rote Hang", the most popular vineyard in Nierstein, and borders directly on the municipality of Nackenheim. The "Rote Hang" takes its name from the geological formation "Rotliegendem". A red soil, coloured by ferruginous clay slate. It is possible that the Rothenberg got its name from the Rotliegendem. The soil is said to be reddest here. Another interpretation would point to an old “Rodungsgebiet” (engl. Clearing area). The site was mentioned in documents as early as 1364 with the name "in dem Rode". This is an area for unique Rieslings, but also Silvaner. The Nackenheim mountain chapel can be seen from afar. The river Rhein flows below, the island of Kisselwörth nestles on the Nackenheim side of the river. Hikers and cyclists enjoy paths with panoramic views. The municipality of Nackenheim is known from Carl Zuckmayer's comedy "Der fröhliche Weinberg" (engl. the happy vineyard).

> Wine festival in the cheerful vineyard AWARDED: https://www.rheinhessen.de/e-weinfest-im-froehlichen-weinberg-ausgezeichnet-1 
> The municipality invites to open-air wine tastings in "Die alte Mistkaut". Also bookable for private events: https://www.nackenheim.de/og_nackenheim/Tourismus/Alte%20Mistkaut/ 
> Info on Carl Zuckmayer's "Merry Vineyard": https://www.nackenheim.de/og_nackenheim/Kultur/Carl%20Zuckmayer/Urauff%C3%BChrung%20%22Der%20fr%C3%B6hliche%20Weinberg%22/
> For hikers: Rheinterrassenweg https://www.rheinhessen.de/rheinterrassenweg-etappe-oppenheim-nierstein-nackenheim-bodenheim
> For cyclists: Amiche cycle path https://www.rheinhessen.de/radrouten-rheinhessen/amiche-radweg
> Rheinhessen blog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/rheinterrassenweg-carl-zuckmayer-nackenheim/ 

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