winery-brandt-photo-4, © Weingut Brandt© Weingut Brandt

Winery Brandt

Our family-run winery is located in Dittelsheim-Hessloch, a wine-growing community in the southern Wonnegau.
Currently we manage 10 hectares of vineyards, which spreads over the wine-growing communities Hessloch, Bechtheim, Alsheim and Guntersblum.
Our most important vineyards include the Hesslocher Mondschein, Bechtheimer Hasensprung and Bechtheimer Stein.
The limestone is the defining element of our vineyard soils.
Our vines are rooted in this rock and later create distinctive, authentic wines.
We understand our work in the vineyard as a craft. Each parcel needs to be considered individually in order to be able to fully understand the microclimate and reactions of the grapevine.
In several harvests our vineyards are harvested separately and selectively.
Of course, this type of harvest is the most time-consuming, but this is the only way to guarantee that grapes will find their way into the cellar at the optimum time.
For us, a wine must give a clear impression of the vintage.
The roughness of nature, the heat of summer, the cold of winter in connection with our daily work in the vineyard must be tasty.

On the estate English and German are spoken.

© Weingut Brandt
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winery-brandt-photo-3, © Weingut Brandt
winery-brandt-photo-4, © Weingut Brandt
winery-brandt-photo-5, © Weingut Brandt
brandt-logo, © Weingut Brandt

About us

  • Winemaker Markus Brandt
  • Vineyard-area 10 hectare
  • specialist trade

Contact details:

Weingut Brandt
Hans Richard Brandt
Dalbergstraße 27 67596 Dittelsheim-Heßloch

Processed vineyards

Bechtheimer Stein

Bechtheimer Stein (Stone of Bechtheim)

Medium gravelly, top Pinots

Another candidate, like "Sonnenberg" and "Hasensprung": "Stein" is an extremely popular vineyard name, resulting in Bechtheimer Stein. This name always refers to the nature of the soil. Yet, anyone who now thinks that the vines growing here are sitting on a hard stone rock is mistaken. The humus-rich loess and clay soil has portions of clayey silt and lime, but is not cast from stone. Instead, it is studded with smaller stones. Pinot varieties in particular appreciate this vineyard site, but other grape varieties also grow here.

  •  Discover the other vineyards in Bechtheim: Geyersberg, Hasensprung, Rosengarten
  • Discover the "Wine Festival on the Pilgrims' Path", with the "Rheinhessen AUSGEZEICHNET" seal of quality.
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Bechtheimer Hasensprung

Bechtheimer Hasensprung (Hare jump of Bechtheim)

Long ear, deep well? Definitely a large diversity of varieties

Another very popular vineyard name in the German wine countries: “Hasensprung” (Engl: hare jump). There are various interpretations: Either the name comes from the Middle High German word "spring/sprung" and means spring or well. Or the location refers to the animal hare, which was or is abundant there and stands for fertility. Various grape varieties grow on the very fertile loess soil: great Riesling, fantastic Pinots, just as well as new grape varieties.

  • Discover the other single vineyard of Bechtheim: GeyersbergRosengartenStein
  • Discover the "Wine Festival on the Pilgrims' Path", with the "Rheinhessen AUSGEZEICHNET" seal of quality.
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Alternativbild für Heßlocher Mondschein

Heßlocher Mondschein

The location was mentioned in 1494 with the name "in the moonlight". The name refers to the high-altitude fields that shine in the moonlight.

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