rheinhessenweinimg_8391, © Weingut Breitenbach© Weingut Breitenbach

Winery Breitenbach

Our wines stand for tradition, combined with modernity.
The abilities of each individual interlock, complement each other and let our wines become what they are! We are all fascinated by the wine, the nature and the challenge, which is why we are passionately carrying out our long tradition of growing vines and making wine.

On the estate only German is spoken.

rheinhessenweinimg_8391, © Weingut Breitenbach

About us

  • Vineyard-area 16 hectare

Contact details:

Weingut Breitenbach
Christian Breitenbach
Backhauspforte 3 55546 Frei-Laubersheim

Processed vineyards