01wilkommen-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz© Weingut Reineck-Baltz

Winery Reineck-Baltz

Understanding of the vine, the slope and the soil on which it grows, the climate that surrounds it, the wind and weather it is exposed to.
The ever-recurring challenge of making a good wine, accepting to not have the control of everyhing, but giving everything within our means and knowledge to make the most of it. This is how the Reineck-Baltz vineyard produces excellent wines year after year, which always reflect a high degree of sensitivity for the interaction of man and nature in their character.
The wine shop of the winery is located in the historic Kellerweg above the old town center of Guntersblum. When visiting the wine shop in the old pressing house, the modern interior design is a bridge between tradition and modern times. Three times a year, art exhibitions in collaboration with the Rheinhessen Academy take place in this special atmosphere - the Kunstquartier Kellerweg. Every year in May and on the 1st Advent weekend, the entire portfolio is available for a casuaö tasting on our tasting days.

We are looking forward to your visit.

Opening hours of the vinotheque:
Thursday: 16-18
Friday: 16-18
Saturday 11am to 3pm
& by arrangement

English and French speaking visitors are welcome.

06leckerspeisen-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
01wilkommen-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
02haus-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
03herren-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
04vinothek-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
05weinprobieren-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
07weinkunst-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
08konzert-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
06leckerspeisen-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz
01wilkommen-i, © Weingut Reineck-Baltz

About us

  • Winemaker Reinhard Baltz und Christa Reineck-Baltz
  • Vineyard-area 15 hectares
  • sparkling wine

Contact details:

Weingut Reineck-Baltz
Christa Reineck-Baltz
Kellerweg 12 67583 Guntersblum

Processed vineyards

Alternativbild für Dienheimer Kreuzkapelle

Dienheimer Kreuzkapelle

The layer designation is based on a former cross chapel.

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Guntersblumer Bornpfad

Guntersblumer Bornpfad

The single vineyard on the Guntersblumer Kellerweg (cellar oath of Guntersblum)

“Born” is a common term when it comes to names of vineyards, streets and wineries. It comes from the Middle High German word "burn(e)" and means well (or source of water). The single vineyard "Guntersblumer Bornpfad" is based on a path that leads to a spring and located on the well-known Kellerweg. Cellar after cellar line up there; the winegrowers used to press their grapes here. Today, once a year, the lane is transformed into the Kellerweg Festival. The vineyards stretch up the hill behind the village, all the way to the hilltop. Guntersblum belongs to the Rhine terrace. Deep loess soils form the basis for numerous grape varieties.

> Info about the Guntersblum cellar path and cellar path festival: https://kellerweg-fest-guntersblum.de/ 
> To the other single vineyard sites of Guntersblum: Himmelthal, Kreuzkapelle and Steig-Terrassen 

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Ludwigshöher Teufelskopf

Ludwigshöher Teufelskopf (Devil's Head of Ludwigshöhe)

A vanished village and an up-and-coming location

Has the devil been up to his mischief here? The name "devil" in the case of vineyards often refers to disreputable localities. Or is it perhaps based on a more harmless personal name? The single vineyard site lies to the west of the village. Not far away, however, in the direction of the river Rhein, is a late Baroque cemetery cross with a somewhat creepy background. The village of Rudeslheim, which perished in 1822, is located there. The cross is a reminder for this. The "Ludwigshöher Teufelskopf" site has a slope of 15 to 25 percent. In the soil - loess, limestone and sandy loam - mainly white varieties thrive, such as harmonious Riesling and even Grüner Veltliner.

> To the Rhine Terraces Trail: https://www.rheinhessen.de/rheinterrassenweg-etappe-guntersblum-ludwigshoehe-dienheim-oppenheim
> To the wine hiking trail above Ludwigshöhe: https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/wanderung/rheinhessen/weinwanderweg-oberhalb-von-ludwigshoehe/193379203/
> Info on the Rudelsheim vineyard: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/ludwigshoehe/kulturdenkmaeler/feldkreuz.html
> To other vineyards with the name Teufel: Essenheimer Teufelspfad

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