wine bottle, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel© Weingut Zimmer-Mengel

Winery Room-Mengel

Wine as a center of life. With this attitude, the young Geisenheimer Weinbauingenieur has been running the family business since 2011. Especially the classic grape varieties (Riesling, Silvaner and Pinot) are given much attention here. But even with "underrated" grape varieties, such as Portugieser, a true Rheinhessen variety, tickles the aspiring young winemaker. Due to the variety of locations in the immediate vicinity it is possible to find the right location for each grape variety. Modern and open-minded, Fabian Mengel follows the quality system Gutswein - Ortswein - Lagenwein. From wonderful drinking pleasure over spontaneously fermented, characteristic and terroir embossed wines to the wines with individual origin and unique quality. The Zimmer-Mengel winery has a passion for every single wine.

English speaking visitos are welcome. 

Engelstadt, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
Fabian_Mengel, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
Andreas_Mengel, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
Fabian_Mengel2, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
vintage, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
wine bottle, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
wine bottle
winery, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
Engelstadt, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
Fabian_Mengel, © Weingut Zimmer-Mengel

About us

  • Winemaker Fabian Mengel
  • Vineyard-area 20 hectares
  • sparkling wine
  • Maxim origin Rheinhessen

Contact details:

Weingut Zimmer-Mengel
Andreas Mengel
Im Adelpfad 1 55270 Engelstadt

Processed vineyards

Jugenheimer Goldberg

Jugenheimer Goldberg (Gold Mountain of Jugenheim)

A mountain like gold and the white tower 

Jugenheim is also one of the "golden vineyards of Rheinhessen". Again, there is no vein of gold in the ground here. What a shame! But it is a highly valued, one could say "gold-valued" site. Vines of all kinds thrive on loess-loam and lime marl. The Jugenheim wine hike leads around the Goldberg. Worth seeing and a nice place to rest: the white tower. The "Selztal Terroir Route 1" starts in Jugendheim. There, soil profiles are shown – touch the terroir. Wine tables invite you to take a break.

> To other Rheinhessen sites with the term gold: Siefersheimer Goldenes Horn or Armsheimer Goldstückchen
> To the Selz Valley Terroir Routes:,%20Freizeit,%20Sport/Tourismus/Selztal-Terroir-Route/

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Engelstadter Adelpfad

Engelstadter Adelpfad (Noble path of Engelstadt)

Walking aristocrats? No, melting Rieslings

Did nobles once walk here? But did they not prefer to ride high on horseback or sit in carriages? The vineyard was first mentioned in a document in 1370 with the name "an dem adelphade" (eng. “by the noble path”). The name is not based on the status of the bypassers, but refers to a ditch. Even today, the meadow ditch runs across the site, with the Selz river flanking one side of the vineyard. The soil is deep, clayey and heavy, with a lot of lime. Full-bodied Müller-Thurgau or melting, dense top Rieslings grow here. The Adelspfad offers a magnificent panoramic view over Stadecken-Elsheim and the region as far as Bingen. Best enjoyed on the vineyard swing!

> Discover the single vineyard via bike on the fruit route: Extremely elaborate land consolidation, water guidance, tower

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