schittler1, © Weingut Schittler & Becker© Weingut Schittler & Becker

Winery Schittler & Becker

Julia is leading the united wineries Schittler-Becker, building her own line with great success. Very important is the vineyard site "Zornheimr Berg", her "place of power". »A glorious sunny plateau with a height of up to 214 meters, where the vines fill up and mature long, where a fresh breeze blows and each vineyard has a different soil structure. From deep loam soils to limestone we can find everything here!" Whether is a single vineyard Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, the new premium wines from Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc, or even the immensely calibrated Silvaner: Julia makes emotional wines that touch you in a variety of ways - sometimes creamy enamel, sometimes with saltic secrets, sometimes with a whisper of peaches or with a cheerful, summery freshness that simply gives us a smile!

English speaking visitors are welcome. 

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logo-Schittler-becker-1, © Weingut Schittler & Becker
logo-schittler1, © Weingut Schittler & Becker

About us

  • Winemaker Julia Schittler
  • Vineyard-area 40 hectare
  • specialist trade
  • wine export

Contact details:

Weingut Schittler & Becker
Julia Schittler
Hahnheimer Straße 30 55270 Zornheim

Processed vineyards

Zornheimer Guldenmorgen

Zornheimer Guldenmorgen

Measure of area or unit of currency? Either way, there definitely is quality potential

The vineyard name contains the Middle High German adjective "Gülden, Golden". This is documented many times in the Grimms' German dictionary. Gulden originally referred to a gold coin, then became a unit of account, currency. However, in relation to this vineyard name it can also be read that "gülden, golden" is the root word for the area measurement of a 1/4 hectare. Where does this interpretation come from? Or was a quarter of a hectare of this site once weighed with a Gulden (German currency of the time)? Nobody knows. Obviously the vineyard was worth something, that is certain. Guldenmorgen as quality potential. Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay or Huxelrebe grow here on sandy and loamy marl as well as deep, chalky clay soil. The vineyard cottage "Am Hohberg" is inconspicuous but idyllically situated.

> To the Grimm's dictionary: 
> Compare the namesake: Appenheimer Hundertgulden 
> Not far from the single site: the Hiwweltour "Zornheimer Berg" 
> Rheinhessen blog: 

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