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Winery Schmitt

After completing his studies in viticulture in Geisenheim and stays abroad in New Zealand and South Africa, Daniel Schmitt took over his parents' winery in 2009. The vineyards are located in the very best locations of the communities Mettenheim and Bechtheim. Following the motto "it's not just about discussing the wine - what counts, is manual labor, diligence and intuition to make the right decisions," Daniel Schmitt tries to get better every year. Recommended in: Gault Millau, Eichel- mann, Wein-Plus.

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About us

  • Winemaker Daniel Schmitt
  • Vineyard-area 18 hectares
  • specialist trade
  • Maxim origin Rheinhessen
  • mulled wine

Contact details:

Weingut Schmitt
Daniel Schmitt
In den Weingärten 7 67582 Mettenheim

Processed vineyards

Bechtheimer Stein

Bechtheimer Stein (Stone of Bechtheim)

Medium gravelly, top Pinots

Another candidate, like "Sonnenberg" and "Hasensprung": "Stein" is an extremely popular vineyard name, resulting in Bechtheimer Stein. This name always refers to the nature of the soil. Yet, anyone who now thinks that the vines growing here are sitting on a hard stone rock is mistaken. The humus-rich loess and clay soil has portions of clayey silt and lime, but is not cast from stone. Instead, it is studded with smaller stones. Pinot varieties in particular appreciate this vineyard site, but other grape varieties also grow here.

  •  Discover the other vineyards in Bechtheim: Geyersberg, Hasensprung, Rosengarten
  • Discover the "Wine Festival on the Pilgrims' Path", with the "Rheinhessen AUSGEZEICHNET" seal of quality.
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Bechtheimer Geyersberg

Bechtheimer Geyersberg (Vulture hill of Bechtheim)

Rieslings under the wings of birds of prey

In Medieval times, birds of prey were called vultures (German: “Geier”). And these animals are indeed the eponym here. The mountain used to have wooded areas and vultures nested there. The location was already mentioned in documents around 1500 with the name "ym nesten geierßbuhl". On the carbonate-rich loess soils with a high lime content, mainly Rieslings grow, but also many other grape varieties. The wines from there are powerful and expressive – just like birds of prey.

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Mettenheimer Schlossberg

Mettenheimer Schloßberg

Cheers to Count Casimir!

Yes, Mettenheim had a castle; and a residential castle at that! It no longer exists, but there are many other historic buildings in the town center. Half-timbered houses, baroque church, count's rent office (chancellery and administration building) were built by count Johann Casimir Kolb von Wartenberg. From 1709 Mettenheim became the property of the counts of Wartenberg. The site name refers to a castle built in 1726. Mettenheim is located on the beautiful Rhine terrace. Hikers discover this region best via RheinTerrassenWeg. In the middle of the location, the small lookout point "Odenwaldblick" with a bench invites you to take a rest (not covered). If you are looking for protection from the rain or a shady spot, you can use the roofed cycling and hiking hut. A variety of grape varieties thrives on fertile loess. 

> RheinTerrasenWeg, Osthofen-Bechtheim-Mettenheim and Mettenheim-Alsheim-Guntersblum stages. The Hohlwege also begin at Mettenheim. https://www.rheinhessen.de/rheinterrassenweg
> More historical information about Mettenheim and its residential castle: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/mettenheim.html
> Other locations related to castles: Niersteiner Schloss Schwabsburg, Herrnsheimer Schloss or Saulheimer Schlossberg.

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Bechtheimer Hasensprung

Bechtheimer Hasensprung (Hare jump of Bechtheim)

Long ear, deep well? Definitely a large diversity of varieties

Another very popular vineyard name in the German wine countries: “Hasensprung” (Engl: hare jump). There are various interpretations: Either the name comes from the Middle High German word "spring/sprung" and means spring or well. Or the location refers to the animal hare, which was or is abundant there and stands for fertility. Various grape varieties grow on the very fertile loess soil: great Riesling, fantastic Pinots, just as well as new grape varieties.

  • Discover the other single vineyard of Bechtheim: GeyersbergRosengartenStein
  • Discover the "Wine Festival on the Pilgrims' Path", with the "Rheinhessen AUSGEZEICHNET" seal of quality.
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