Schmitz3, © Weingut Schmitz© Weingut Schmitz

Winery Schmitz

The Schmitz winery - Hof am Teuerborn is located outside of Nackenheim on the road to Lörzweiler. Since the eighties, it has turned from a pure arable farm into a winery cultivating 16ha in Nackenheim, Nierstein and Schwabsburg. Producing high-quality wines is the claim of Berthold and Christiane Schmitz. Son Dominic is in training as a winegrower, currently at Knipser in Laumersheim. The previous companies he larned in, were also first class: Raddeck in Nierstein and Rings in Freinsheim. Good conditions for further improving quality and setting new trends.

English speaking visitors are welcome. 

Logo Schmitz, © Weingut Schmitz
Logo Schmitz
Schmitz1, © Weingut Schmitz
Schmitz2, © Weingut Schmitz
Schmitz3, © Weingut Schmitz
Logo Schmitz, © Weingut Schmitz
Logo Schmitz
Schmitz1, © Weingut Schmitz

About us

  • Winemaker Berthold und Dominic Schmitz
  • Vineyard-area 16 hectares
  • sparkling wine

Contact details:

Weingut Schmitz
Dominic und Berthold Schmitz
Hof am Teuerborn 1 55299 Nackenheim

Processed vineyards

Niersteiner Hipping

Niersteiner Hipping

Tool, hill, goat? Nowadays a premium vineyard

The name of the vineyard is documented in a deed from 1753, as the vineyard property of various Nierstein vineyards. The origin of the name has not been definitively clarified. It could have come from Middle High German and once meant "hügell" (hill). Or it goes back to "Hippe", which means tool - or another version - goat. Did bleating goats once jump over the hill here? Who knows. Today, no goats bleat there any more - and the winegrowers have nothing to complain about either. This single vineyard site is of special value. World-class Rieslings thrive on the special red claystone called Rotliegenden. The "Alexander-von-Humboldt-Blick" is a viewing point located in the middle of the single vineyard site. In 1790, the naturalists Georg Forster and Alexander von Humboldt travelled by carriage from Mainz to Nierstein and reported on the red rock and the noble wine.

> Hike and audio to the Hipping station: 
> Info about the Alexander-von-Humboldt view: 
> Discover the single vineyard by bike: 

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Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Where the "Rote Hang" (engl. red slope) is at its reddest

It is the northernmost and one of the steepest sites in the "Rote Hang", the most popular vineyard in Nierstein, and borders directly on the municipality of Nackenheim. The "Rote Hang" takes its name from the geological formation "Rotliegendem". A red soil, coloured by ferruginous clay slate. It is possible that the Rothenberg got its name from the Rotliegendem. The soil is said to be reddest here. Another interpretation would point to an old “Rodungsgebiet” (engl. Clearing area). The site was mentioned in documents as early as 1364 with the name "in dem Rode". This is an area for unique Rieslings, but also Silvaner. The Nackenheim mountain chapel can be seen from afar. The river Rhein flows below, the island of Kisselwörth nestles on the Nackenheim side of the river. Hikers and cyclists enjoy paths with panoramic views. The municipality of Nackenheim is known from Carl Zuckmayer's comedy "Der fröhliche Weinberg" (engl. the happy vineyard).

> Wine festival in the cheerful vineyard AWARDED: 
> The municipality invites to open-air wine tastings in "Die alte Mistkaut". Also bookable for private events: 
> Info on Carl Zuckmayer's "Merry Vineyard":
> For hikers: Rheinterrassenweg
> For cyclists: Amiche cycle path
> Rheinhessen blog: 

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