zoeller1, © Weingut Zöller© Weingut Zöller

Winery Zoller

The Zöller winery in the idyllic village Eckelsheim is home in the beautiful Rheinhessische Schweiz. Between former seashore and former volcanic islands, wines are produced here, which are characterized by the climate and the soils of the region.
This classic family winery has been operating viticulture since 1648 and even today three generations live together and work hand in hand.
With son Torsten, who studied viticulture in Geisenheim and studied at renowned wineries in Germany and New Zealand, the 13th generation has now taken over responsibility for the vinification of wine and brings fresh momentum and increasingly its own style in this traditional business. Numerous awards from the Chamber of Agriculture, the international wine competition AWC Vienna and recommendations in the Gault & Millau wine guide and Mainz restaurant and wine guide confirm the right way!

English and French spaking visitors are welcome. 

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logo-incher, © Weingut Zöller
zoeller1, © Weingut Zöller
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zoeller3, © Weingut Zöller
zoeller4, © Weingut Zöller
zoeller5, © Weingut Zöller
logo-incher, © Weingut Zöller

About us

  • Winemaker Torsten Zöller
  • Vineyard-area 19.3 hectares
  • sparkling wine
  • Maxim origin Rheinhessen

Contact details:

Weingut Zöller
Jürgen und Torsten Zöller
Brunnengasse 12 55599 Eckelsheim

Processed vineyards

Gumbsheimer Schlosshölle

Gumbsheimer Schloßhölle

Ein Schloss, keine Hölle, aber ein Menhir

Die Lage wurde 1835 urkundlich erwähnt. Nicht das Dorf Gumbsheim beheimatete ein Schloss, sondern das nahegelegene größere Dorf Wöllstein. Der Berg, auf dem die Lage liegt, gehörte einst zu diesem Schloss. „Hölle“ meint nicht Fegefeuer oder Bullenhitze, sondern „leichter Abhang“, eine häufige Flurbezeichnung. Auf lockerer Schwarzerde mit kalkigem Tonmergel gedeihen körperreiche, zugängliche Burgunder, aromatische Bukettweine und andere. Gumsbheim ist stolz auf einen besonderen Fund: einen 3,15 Meter hohen Menhir aus vorgeschichtlicher Zeit.

> Mehr Infos zum Menhir von Gumbsheim auf der Website des Dorfes: https://www.gumbsheim.de/tourismus.html
> Weitere Lagen mit dem Namen „Hölle“: Gundersheimer Höllenbrand, Ingelheimer Höllenweg oder Klein-Winternheimer Geiershölle

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Eckelsheimer Kirchberg

Eckelsheimer Kirchberg (Church Hill of Eckelsheim)

Church, cliff and wines from the volcano

On the southern border of the district lies the "Beller Kirche", a late Gothic ruin with a high choir, typical for Rheinhessen. The alter dedicated to St. Mary was completed in 1490, the nave in 1519. Today, the ruin is a venue for events, including wine tastings. The single vineyard "Eckelsheimer Kirchberg" refers to this church. The vines are rooted in gravel sand and exceptional volcanic stone. 30 million years ago, the whole region was flooded by a subtropical sea. The coastline of that time, the surf cliff, ran here. The “Strandpfad der Sinne” (Engl. "Beach Trail of the Senses") is a hiking trail referring to that time and making geology and viticulture come alive.

> Experience the single vineyard via the beach path of the senses:
> Information about the Beller Church:

> Rheinhessen blog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/feieroomend-der-vino-generation/

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Siefersheimer Goldenes Horn

Siefersheimer Goldenes Horn

Blooming heath on the winemaker’s alp

Like a horn, a pointed mountain, this single vineyard stands out in the landscape, hence the name. The addition "Gold" stands - as always when it comes to vineyard names - for the high esteem in which it is held. Here you will find a varied terroir, sloping and flat sites, loess or volcanic rock (Rigosol) as well as different wind and sun orientations for the most diverse grape varieties. From Riesling and Silvaner to Pinot Noir or Portugieser. On the hilltop, the pink blooming heath beckons in late summer. The best way to get there is via the "Hiwweltour Heideblick". At the Winzer-Alm, wine is served when the flag is flying. The magnificent panoramic view was voted "Rheinhessen's most beautiful wine view" in 2016.

> To the Hiwweltour Heideblick: https://www.rheinhessen.de/hiwweltour-heideblick
> Info about the most beautiful wine view: https://www.deutscheweine.de/tourismus/schoenste-weinsichten/weinsichten-detailseite/winesight/show/rheinhessen-blick-von-der-winzeralm-bei-siefersheim-1/
> Top 10 viewpoints on hiking trails: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/10-schoensten-aussichten-wanderwegen-rheinhessen/ 
> To the other sites of Siefersheim: Heerkretz and Höllberg
> Rheinhessen blog: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/wanderbericht-hiwweltour-heideblick/ 

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