ramona_shotbypete14-10, © Winzerhof Diegel© Winzerhof Diegel

Winzerhof Diegel

Authenticity, honesty and down-to-earth individualism

Is the philosophy of our wines. For more than 5 generations our family in Pfaffen-Schwabeheim has been managing a typical Rheinhessen mixed farm with viticulture and agriculture. In the foreground today is viticulture with the conviction that wine is a natural product and our wines are not made in the cellar, but grown in the vineyard. Most of our vineyards are located in Rheinhessen and the smaller ones on the Nahe. This is due to the proximity of our winery to the border of the two growing areas.

In addition to the annual weather conditions, our grapes are characterized by the individual microclimate and the special soils of the different sites. This way, every wine and vintage gets its own character. These must be preserved through careful processing and controlled natural development. Therefore, we focus especially on spontaneous fermentation and a long time on the yeast.

Winzermeister Holger and winemaker Erik Diegel take care of the outdoor and cellar operation. Christine and Ramona Diegel (Rheinhessen wine queen 2012/13 & German wine princess 2013/14) are responsible for the consultation and support of the customers.

English speaking visitors are welcome. 

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Diegel, © Winzerhof Diegel

About us

  • Winemaker Winzermeister Holger Diegel

Contact details:

Winzerhof Diegel
Kreuznacher Straße 16-18 55546 Pfaffen-Schwabenheim

Processed vineyards

Alternativbild für Pfaffen-Schwabenheimer Mandelbaum

Pfaffen-Schwabenheimer Mandelbaum

The layer name probably owes its name to a solitary almond tree.

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